Friday, July 26, 2013

Worth Not Sleeping

Wednesday night I had just over 4 hours of sleep.  It was close to 11PM when I fell asleep and I was awake at 3:20 ready to get up and go.
There are certain days when you don’t mind being sleep deprived and yesterday was one of them.  Our operational broadcast at one of our hospitals to over 100 high school scholars who are looking to go into the medical field went very well.  They were well behaved, interested in the surgery and in our Chief of Urology.
After that off to see a client who was concerned that for 2 years their video system had not worked – we took a look at it and should have it up and running in 2 days and provided them with a quote for a wireless Polycom soundstation – that client said “thank YOU” when we left.
Lastly, the Executive Conference rooms have been behaving; and, last night was the last Executive Committee meeting until next month – although we had to alter the way we were going to deliver the audio because of the meeting requirements had changed and we needed to add video.
The stars are aligned, AND, finally in our favor!!!

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