Sunday, July 28, 2013

Need to go to Confession

There are times that I can be a bit of an impatient driver.
I get upset when people do not use their turning signals, do not seem to know where they are going or are not driving the speed limit.  I most often can show some signs of rage when I am on my way to work in the morning – but, most other times I just mutter to myself.
That happened yesterday morning as I was driving home from the gym.  I am one mile from my home and the car in front of me has their right turn signal on, doesn’t turn right now puts on their left turn signal, doesn’t turn left, right signal on again AND the entire time is still in front of me in the right lane.
We finally are coming to a light and the car puts on their turn signal and goes into the left lane, as I pull up next to the car am I chagrined as it is an elderly nun driving the car.
I felt awful – it was a wakeup call to take things slowly and show compassion.

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