Friday, July 5, 2013

Expensive 4th of July

The 4th of July became a more expensive day than I expected.

Do you remember my mentioning how Callum was ill last week and needless to say his tummy was upset and it ended up on my floor and leather loveseat?  Well, I didn't tell you that some of it made it into my personal computer.

Yesterday, my personal computer revolted and my keys were not responding - I have to admit that my HP latptop was bought in August 2008 and has served me well for the past 5 years.  So off to Best Buy and a new Lenovo laptop with a touch screen.

Well, the day didn't end well as now it appears there is a problem with my router so I will be spending my aftenoon waiting for the Geek Squad to come by and fix it.  I have complete faith in them and know that when they leave everything will be in working order.

I will tell you that I have bought protection should Callum have another tummy incident my new Lenovo will be replaced.

Can't wait until 4PM when I will be one happy person with all my devices connected and working!!!  Yes, I know - a little geekie or techie - take your pick!!!

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