Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Best Sleep - Overslept

As you know I leave my house between 5:45 and 6AM to go to work each morning – NOT TODAY!!!!
Every morning my alarm goes off at 4:40AM and I generally stay in bed until 5:00 or 5:10 – the news is going on in the background and I can hear them give the time.  This morning when the alarm went off I did my usual, reached over and turned it off and said okay another 20 minutes.
Well those 20 minutes became just shy of an hour!!  I woke up at 5:38 and jumped out of bed saying HOLY CRAP.  Despite all that I still made my bed and followed my normal routine – making it out the door by 6:20.
I arrive at my office, having made my Starbuck’s run by 7:30 – I was lucky because it is the summer so there are no school buses on the road and fewer cars because people are taking vacation.  I would not have been as lucky if this was in the fall or winter.
But I have to tell you I had my deepest sleep between 4:40 and 5:38!!!

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