Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wicked Rainy Day

 I thought that the weather would be a premonition of what my day was going to be like yesterday.

I started the day optimistically as when I left my house at 6:45 in the morning it was not raining and I found a great parking spot.  But, by the time my train arrived in Grand Central Station one hour later the skies had opened and the rain was coming down in sheets and sideways.  By the time I arrived at the office my pants were soaked from the knee down.

I had four meetings in as many different buildings and parts of NYC - I thought for sure that as ugly as the day was so would be my day.

What a surprise I had when:
  1. My boss gave me permission to write 3 job descriptions and put in for video technicians
  2. The meeting with a vendor was very informative and provided many things that would be great for the health system
  3. I was able to transition an individual from their organization to mine effective on May 20th - despite having "jumped the gun" a few weeks ago
  4. Made it to my last meeting with 5 minutes to spare
It continued to become a great day when the bank was open after 5PM and I was able to get a document notarized and have them change a beneficiary on one of my accounts, I could go to the ATM and withdraw money to pay my cleaning lady and I made the 5:32 train home.

Believe it or not the small things in life can make me happy!!

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