Monday, May 13, 2013

Please, No Frost

I have always heard to not do any planting until Mother's Day - this year I decided to follow the rules and did my planting early Friday evening.

Now I am hearing that we are supposed to have frost on Sunday and Monday night as the temperature gets cooler.  UGH!!!!  I am praying that my beautiful, bountiful purple hydrangea can weather the change.  I found the perfect hydrangeas, potted them in lovely pots that sit right in front of my gas meter and camouflage it.

They look beautiful as I look out the dining room window and I am now hoping that they make it through the next few nights.

It is rare that I get this emotional about gardening - but, I have this time because I have found the "perfect" item - the one that I have been searching for.  I get like this whenever I find the "thing" that I have been searching for.

Well, I need to be realistic - if it dies because of the frost - I will have to find another one.

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