Friday, May 10, 2013


I have several drawings, sculptures and statues of Don Quixote in my home.  He represents believing and having impossible dreams.

I am not sure that I have ever "dreamed the impossible dream"; but, I think many people believe that I have achieved the impossible in my lifetime.  It wasn't impossible - it was just not thought that a female in my family could accomplish what I have accomplished given my ethnicity, family background, family economic status, etc.  In truth, what I accomplished was the American dream.

I may not be married, have 2.4 children and live with a white picket fence; but, I have a good job, live in a nice home and am comfortable enough to take vacations, go to the theatre, etc.

Perhaps that is the impossible dream - to have respect for education and what it can provide you in the future.

Have an impossible dream - go for it - you cannot accomplish anything if you do not try.

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