Friday, May 31, 2013

A Day of Leadership & Re-Connecting

Today I am attending Villanova's EMBA Alumni Annual Leadership Conference.  I have been looking forward to this for the last few weeks.  Every year those of us who attended Villanova's EMBA program try to get together to learn, network and reconnect with our former classmates.

I haven't been able to make it the last couple of years so I am glad that I took a PTO day and paid to come to the conference.  I believe that you are never to old to learn - work today is very different than it was 5 years ago; and, certainly from when I entered the work force almost 40 years ago.

There is social media - some folks no longer even write a formal resume.  Nowadays when I receive a resume the first thing I do is go to Linkedin to read more about the individual.

Today we will tackle all these issues and how to stay relevant in the job market.  I hope that each of you have an opportunity to think about these issues; but, more importantly have avenues to get the answers.

So with this conference I start my weekend - at 5 this afternoon when it is over - I am off to the Jersey shore!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

6 Month Check Up

It has been six months since I had my core biopsy and I had to have my follow up mammogram to make sure that everything was still good.

I am happy to report that six months later everything is good - and I no longer need to have another exam for a year.

I do have to tell you that sometimes I wish people would understand how some of their actions affect an individual.  I was asked by the technician to have a seat while she read the films.  I was fine; but, the longer she took and kept reviewing various films the more nervous I got.  She then told me she had to go out of the room for a minute - and I was convinced I had breast cancer as her demeanor was quite stern and serious.

Ten minutes later she came back to tell me that everything was good - that it took so long as the Doctor went through all of my films for comparison purposes and that I was good to go.

What I don't think people realize is that their body language, facial expression and silence can sometimes make another individual anxiety riddenI need to remember this myself when dealing with others.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Successful Recovery

To finish the saga of over a week ago - the recovery was successful!!!

Yesterday when I went to the office I was hoping for a hard drive that had all my old data and a U drive where all my information would also reside.

I was scheduled to be in and out of the office and advised the Help Desk technician that I would be leaving my laptop there so that he could work on it.  While out at a site I received the telephone call from the technician advising me that all of my data was on the new hard drive - that he moved the new work that I had done last week onto this hard drive and that he had backed up both items to my U drive on the network.

I can't tell you the feeling I had when I opened one of my old documents - pure delight!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

FEMA Training

I hope you spent your Memorial Day doing more exciting things than I did.

We were required to complete two on-line FEMA courses prior to June 1st - I was told by a couple of colleagues to expect this to take some time, to print out the course information and to not be distracted.

I thought that this past weekend would be the best time to tackle it - I did and it took me 7 hours to finish.

First the courses are divided into 6 sections of which you must read all parts of it and complete the short exams throughout.  Afterwards you must complete the exam and receive a passing grade higher than 75.  I did for the first course; I did not for the second.

The unfortunate thing is that they never tell you which item you had wrong or what your score is - I ended up taking the second exam 5 times before I passed.

I can be stubborn at times and I was determined to finish this on Monday and not have it weighing on my mind any longer.

Mission Accomplished.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Many of us may look at Memorial Day as a three day weekend; but, that is not the meaning.

It is a time to honor the men and women who have served our Nation and jeopardized their lives so that we may continue to live in this great country freely.

Various members of my family have been in the military; my father, brother, cousins and even an aunt of mine who was a WAC.  We were lucky not one of them died in combat.  We were extremely fortunate.

At this time let's remember the true meaning of the day; let's honor our military men and women.

Tomorrow at 3PM your local time - take a minute of silence.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rainy Cold Saturday

It is the unofficial start of summer; but, the temperature was in the low 40's when I woke up, it was pouring and extremely windy.

I decided today was a day to stay in - I didn't go to the gym and do my two workouts; instead I turned on the heat, watched some Law & Order: SVU on demand; and, then something I have never done - I ordered a movie on Demand.  I watched "Les Miserables" - it was one of my favorite musicals and the DVD had not come out yet.

Also, when I think about it the on demand movie will cost me $4.95 vs buying the DVD which will be $19.99 or more and besides me there isn't anyone else who would really want to see the DVD.

I also put together the clothes for next weekend when I will have my getaway at the Jersey Shore and finished reading a book.

Today, I will hit the gym and get myself back into my workout mode.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Good News

This week ends with good news.  My desktop help desk organization was able to restore the information on my hard drive and transfer it a new one.

I received the information on Thursday night and they wanted to install the new hard drive yesterday.  Unfortunately, I was working remotely so we have made arrangements to meet at 7:30 on Tuesday morning.

They will install a new hard drive with all my information; as well as, back it up to the U drive that is on the network.  You have no idea how relieved I am - as I said this is two years of work and hundreds of projects, quotes, etc.  I had no idea how I was going to recreate that work.

I am now being extra cautious and have also purchased a back up drive that I will back up my work computer on daily.  So I should have my information in three places in the future my hard drive, U drive and portable back up drive.

You can never be too careful - especially after seeing your work disintegrate!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Most individuals will hit the shore this weekend - and the weather at this point doesn't appear as if it will cooperate with them.

I have made my arrangements to go to the shore next weekend and they are already predicting that the weather may be in the 90's.  

I have planned a long weekend which begins with a one day learning program for the Villanova EMBA alumni on Friday at the conference center in Radnor, PA.  I will go down on Thursday as the program will begin at 7:30 in the morning.

Once the program ends on Friday at 5PM I will head on down to Wildwood Crest, NJ.  It is amazing that the room will only be $80/night and it includes a refrigerator and a microwave.  I am looking forward to just relaxing in the sun, getting an early suntan and starting my summer reading.  

It has been a long time since I have gone away by myself and I am looking forward to a few walks on the beach, some fresh fruit from the food truck and to explore Cape May.

I know that these few days alone will be relaxing and rejuvenating.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crossed Fingers

I have my fingers crossed that today I will hear good news!!!!  

Okay, the good news I hear may not be what you think like a raise, promotion, new job or that I am getting married.  It is that they have recovered my hard drive.

You probably didn't see that coming; but, anyone who has had their computer crash and with it all their work can totally understand.  I cannot recreate the past two years worth of work - only so much of it can I reach out to other people for.  And some of it I am piecing together from attachments to email messages.

By tomorrow I will have a "U" drive where my documents can be saved to the network - I will also look to back my computer up locally at home.  

I learned and I paid for it in a BIG way!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Computer Woes

On Friday evening I turned off my work computer and didn't think anything of it until I went to turn it back on Sunday evening and I received a message, "OS Error"What did that mean?  After several times of re-booting and receiving the same error I called the Help Desk.

The Help Desk's comment to me was to open a ticket and tell me that it didn't sound good.  I let them know that I would be in New York City on Monday and that I would call them as soon as I  arrived to pick up my computer.  They had my computer for a couple of hours and came back with it to advise me that the operating system was corrupted and my hard drive would need to be recovered.  And recommended that I have the Help Desk in Long Island take a look at it.

Yesterday the Help Desk in Long Island picked up my laptop - a few hours later I had my laptop back with a new hard drive.  I was glad to be able to work again; but, I am upset that two years worth of work is on the bad hard drive.  I am begging the Help Desk to recoup my information and I will have to try to build some of it all from emails that have attachments to them.

They have now given me a drive on the network to save my documents to - I will use it.  But, can you believe how dependent we have become to this 13 inch, 6 pound device???!!!

Lesson learned.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Weekend of Cooking

This past weekend I had the boys on Saturday afternoon until Sunday - this always means dinner for the family on both nights and an opportunity for me to try something new.

I like to try different recipes and Ryan is always looking to see what I will do that is different.  This weekend I wanted things that would not take a long time; but, were also somewhat simple.

Saturday I baked my cheese Danish as Callum was very upset that I did not have either the danish or the chocolate cake when he was over for Cinco de Mayo.  For dinner was a very large salad of mixed greens, spinach, cucumber, garbanzos, tomatoes, crumbled goat cheese, corn and croutons.  I then had grilled chicken breasts broiled in a garlic butter with rosemary, thyme and parsley.  Linguini in a butter and parmesan sauce and garlic bread.  Everyone enjoyed it and all got to the table on time.

Sunday was breaded pork cutlets, mashed potatoes, apple sauce and glazed carrots.  I was so pleased when Ryan went for a second helping of glazed carrots, noted that there was cinnamon in it - to which I told him I added that as the recipe didn't call for it.  Most exciting is that he wants me to make them for Thanksgiving.  And of course I baked a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for Callum.

Cooking for me is therapeutic; but, it must also be part of my ethnic genes - this need to feed others and to ensure that there was enough for them to take some home.

I know my nephew and his wife had food for them to take to work for lunch.  And I have a few more worthwhile recipes in my repertoire.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Grocery Store

I am usually at the grocery store a couple of times a week.  I have also taken to bringing my own recyclable bags - they are sturdier than the plastic bags at the store and you receive a 5 cent discount for having your own bag.

I tend to take 2 or 3 with me as I can certainly put a lot more in my recyclable bags than in the plastic bags.  The bags are not the issue - it is the baggers.

I always do self checkouts; and, the bagger will begin to place my items in a plastic bag - I stop them and say "I have my own bags" and with that they step away and stop bagging.

Is there an unwritten rule that I am not aware of?  If you bring your own bags, does it mean that they cannot help you bag?  Am I not doing the correct ecological thing by bringing my own bags?

Someone help me understand this concept - use plastic and I will bag for you, bring recyclable and you have to do it yourself.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Good Friends

I am very blessed to have some very good friends.  They have been there for me the last couple of weeks and although they knew they couldn't do anything to change the situation, they just listened.

I hope you have friends like that in your life, they are perceptive and know when you are off your "game".  They reach out to you and let you vent and cry as you need to do.

They help to put things in perspective, give you reasonable advice such as "shut down, have a drink" and "what can I do".  They ask for nothing in return; but, can feel your disappointment and pain.

Thank you to my good friends - I will be back to my usual spirits soon.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Horoscope

Each morning I read my horoscope - not because I believe in it; but, I think it is interesting to see what it has to say and if it holds true to me as an individual.

I have to share with you yesterday's horoscope because I feel that it best summarizes me as an individual:

You're a heart-centered person, and this affects everything you do. Coming from your heart, it's difficult not to offer help or to try to make things better or fall in love a little bit with everyone you meet.

I do carry my heart on my sleeve - more so the last couple of weeks than normal.  Thanks to all of you who have put up with me - I hope to be in a better space soon.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I am in the process of trying to revive my hydrangea plants back to life.  Remember I mentioned that earlier this week we were due to have some frost and cold evenings.

Well we did and my hydrangeas are showing that they did not like being left out in the cold.  Now I am trying to salvage them and ensure that they do not die and I have to start from the beginning again.  

A colleague of mine mentioned to keep them in the sun and keep giving them a good soaking of water.  I have done that for the past two days and they seem to be getting some of their "life" back.

It is supposed to be a good weather and the temperature is not supposed to get lower than the mid-50's each evening so I am hoping that they will continue to respond.

I tend to get attached to certain things - especially when I think I have found the MOST perfect item.  Wish me luck as I give my hydrangeas some tender loving care.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Productive Day

I have not had a day like yesterday in years.  I was totally backed up with work and really needed some time to get it all done.

Miraculously every meeting except one was cancelled or re-scheduled and although I had a couple of telephone calls from customers and vendors none lasted more than 10 minutes.

I was able to put together the requirements for our streaming vendor on our Annual Board meeting, I wrote up two job descriptions, put together a VCI-Group proposal for an in person meeting in New York, my VCI-Group committee reports and I cleaned up my emails.

I feel a lot better now that I am caught up - I have a few more things to do but none of them as pressing as what I had on my plate today.

Having gotten caught up I was able to relax and do a little reading - today will be a lot easier day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Don't Litter

Driving home from work yesterday evening I saw something I have not seen in years - an individual throwing trash out their car window while driving 65 miles per hour.

What are they thinking?  Who raised this individual?  Don't they have any common decency?

I cannot comprehend someone throwing trash out their car window - why can't it sit in the car until they get to their destination and then throw it out?  I cannot tell you how often there is garbage in my handbag, briefcase or I have been holding it on the train until I can get to a garbage can and throw it out.  

Don't you have a respect for this country that we live in and this planet?  Don't you want to teach others the proper way to take care of our planet?

Please think next time - let's each of us do what we can, please respect the Earth and do not litter.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I Wish I Was Not Transparent

I wish I was one of those individuals who had a poker face; alas, I do not - I am transparent.

In the last day two separate individuals have asked me what is wrong; and, I have stated just a little.  Unfortunately, when I am hurt or disappointed or angry or pained - my face and my demeanor gives it away.

I always think I am the same - that I am even keel, respond to inquiries, get my work done and continue to just keep moving.  But, I guess that is it - people see that I am going through the motions - there is no joy in what I am doing.

My general spirit is light-hearted, I enjoy working, dealing with people and as I have stated I am an optimist - a bit of a Pollyanna.  But, when I feel that I am unable to do anything about the situation I experience a melancholia.

It will pass - but, for now I hope that everyone can understand.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Please, No Frost

I have always heard to not do any planting until Mother's Day - this year I decided to follow the rules and did my planting early Friday evening.

Now I am hearing that we are supposed to have frost on Sunday and Monday night as the temperature gets cooler.  UGH!!!!  I am praying that my beautiful, bountiful purple hydrangea can weather the change.  I found the perfect hydrangeas, potted them in lovely pots that sit right in front of my gas meter and camouflage it.

They look beautiful as I look out the dining room window and I am now hoping that they make it through the next few nights.

It is rare that I get this emotional about gardening - but, I have this time because I have found the "perfect" item - the one that I have been searching for.  I get like this whenever I find the "thing" that I have been searching for.

Well, I need to be realistic - if it dies because of the frost - I will have to find another one.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

To all of you women who in some way or another have influence on a child - Happy Mother's Day!!

You do not have to have given birth to a child to be "motherly" or to be a psuedo Mother to an individual.  I have had many women in my life who have influenced my upbringing, beliefs and the individual I have become.

I like to believe that I have done the same to many children who have passed through my life and that I continue to do that on a daily basis.

I can today believe that I have become a person that my Mother would have been proud of.  I work hard, I am loyal, trustworthy and honest.  I am here for my family and I take pride in the way I look and my home.  

Through it all I do it with a smile and with optimismThat was my Mother - the glass is half full and it is for me too!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Yesterday the spire was placed on One World Trade Center - it is now 1776 stories tall and once more the tallest building in downtown NYC.

It was difficult to not have an emotion yesterday as the spire was put in its final position - for those of us who live in NY - the World Trade Center was something we always saw as we either took off or landed in New York.  It was easy to determine when you were in the Financial district where you were by just looking at the towers.

I remember where I was and what it was like to be in New York City when the twin towers were attacked.  I remember not wanting to go downtown to see it - as it shouldn't be a place to gawk - it is sacred - many individuals lost their lives there.

But, we are Americans - we are resourceful and get our strength from adversityWe are BACK!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


I have several drawings, sculptures and statues of Don Quixote in my home.  He represents believing and having impossible dreams.

I am not sure that I have ever "dreamed the impossible dream"; but, I think many people believe that I have achieved the impossible in my lifetime.  It wasn't impossible - it was just not thought that a female in my family could accomplish what I have accomplished given my ethnicity, family background, family economic status, etc.  In truth, what I accomplished was the American dream.

I may not be married, have 2.4 children and live with a white picket fence; but, I have a good job, live in a nice home and am comfortable enough to take vacations, go to the theatre, etc.

Perhaps that is the impossible dream - to have respect for education and what it can provide you in the future.

Have an impossible dream - go for it - you cannot accomplish anything if you do not try.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wicked Rainy Day

 I thought that the weather would be a premonition of what my day was going to be like yesterday.

I started the day optimistically as when I left my house at 6:45 in the morning it was not raining and I found a great parking spot.  But, by the time my train arrived in Grand Central Station one hour later the skies had opened and the rain was coming down in sheets and sideways.  By the time I arrived at the office my pants were soaked from the knee down.

I had four meetings in as many different buildings and parts of NYC - I thought for sure that as ugly as the day was so would be my day.

What a surprise I had when:
  1. My boss gave me permission to write 3 job descriptions and put in for video technicians
  2. The meeting with a vendor was very informative and provided many things that would be great for the health system
  3. I was able to transition an individual from their organization to mine effective on May 20th - despite having "jumped the gun" a few weeks ago
  4. Made it to my last meeting with 5 minutes to spare
It continued to become a great day when the bank was open after 5PM and I was able to get a document notarized and have them change a beneficiary on one of my accounts, I could go to the ATM and withdraw money to pay my cleaning lady and I made the 5:32 train home.

Believe it or not the small things in life can make me happy!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Angry But Silent

When I was growing up I was told, "if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all".

That is how I felt yesterday - I have a bit of anger for a variety of reasons; however, with anger nothing good ever comes of it.  Instead I bite my tongue, I do a hard workout, I clean and I try to think of things that please me to dissolve my anger.

This is not a state I am proud of - nor is it one that I like to languish in - in truth my anger brings me frustration and close to tears.

I let the emotion ride its course for the night; put it aside and thought of other things that are good, pleasant and that I enjoy.

Each emotion has a purpose, do go ahead and feel it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bad Drivers

Have you been out driving lately?  Is it me or are more people bad drivers ignoring driving rules?

I am amazed at how many people no longer follow the rules when they drive - when did they change?  I had always heard that you pass someone on the left, not on the right as that is their blindside - can't tell you how many times someone has passed me on the right lately. 

Then you have those individuals who are weaving in and out of traffic at 80 miles per hour trying to pass everyone who is already doing 65 to 70.  Are you crazy????  or just have a death wish - in which case I hope it is your own.

Lastly, there was someone who ignored a STOP sign by a school bus - when a bus is stopped and has the sign out both sides must stop moving.  This is for the safety of the child who may be getting out of the bus and crossing the road.  Really - nothing is that important that you must put in jeopardy the life of a child.

It is time that perhaps every time we renew our license we also have to take a primer course on the rules of the road.

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Cake

This is the third tres leches cake I have made.  Although maybe it is the second because last year I made it twice thinking I had made it wrong.

I am very happy with it although you begin to wonder how anyone's cake is almost 2 inches high when in reality when this cake comes out it does deflate a little.  For the first time I not only had the instructions but it had been blogged step by step - so there I was with my computer and printed recipe instructions.

The nice thing is that it doesn't take twelve hours to make - but, you can have it all done in 2 1/2 hours even with the cooling period and the 30 minutes for it to soak in all the milks.

What makes the time, effort and work all worthwhile is when my family says that it is really good.

There is nothing more therapeutic than cooking - at least for me.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

We are not Mexican; but, today we will celebrate Cinco de Mayo.  

Last night I set the table and today's menu will consist of homemade guacamole, homemade beef nachos, cheese quesadilla, mexican lasagna, salad; and for dessert papaya slices with queso fresco and Ree Drummond's (The Pioneer Woman's) tres leches cake.

I will hit the gym and take my Zumba class and then I will stop by the grocery store to pick up the ground beef and the fixings for salad.  As soon as I get home I will start on the tres leches cake and the salad.

The guacamole, nachos and mexican lasagna will not take that long and are all easy to make.

As always it is just a great excuse to get together as family and try a different culture's foods.  Enjoy!!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

It appears that FINALLY spring has sprung!!!

On the East Coast we will have approximately 10 days of sunny weather with temperatures in the high 60's and low 70's.  It is about time.

This is lovely weather and in the morning I have been able to leave my door open and let the sun shine through my storm door.  It felt good to get the car washed and put away the snow scraper and know that the only thing that might be in the car is dirt from plants that I have bought to plant in the garden.

I know that some people are suffering from allergies, especially since we have not had any rain and are not scheduled to have any until late next week.  I am blessed in that I do not have tree, pollen or hay fever. 

I will enjoy these days - happy for the sun and its warmth.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Nice Surprise

Last evening I received a beautiful orchid plant, it was a Thank You gift from my nephew, his wife and their two boys.

It was their way of thanking me for the various things I do for them; but, mostly for assisting my niece-in-law in revising her resume which led to her getting a new job this week.  

This gesture has made my week - and the thoughtfulness of a plant which I absolutely love and in the color I like shows the attention that they placed on ordering this gift.

It already has a place of honor in my bay window beside another orchid of the same color just a little larger.

Each time I water it - I will think of my nephew, niece-in-law and the boys.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

No Work Today

Yesterday I had taken a PTO day and I did my darndest not to work.  

I did some very mundane things; but, all that were starting to catch up with me and needed to be addressed.  I had my haircut - it had been 7 weeks and by the 8th week it becomes unbearable.  I had my eyes checked and ordered my year's worth of contact lenses.  I went to the Post Office, returned a pair of shoes and donated some clothes to Goodwill - that should be the last bunch until the fall.

I completed some paperwork so that I could change the beneficiary on one of my accounts from my aunt (who has been dead for over 10 years) to my cousin and mailed the forms for him to sign so that I can take them to the bank for the changes.

Lastly, the rest of my time was spent on Visual Communications Industry Group (VCI-Group) work; emails, editing and meetings.  So, yes I opened my laptop - I read the messages and I even responded to a couple.

Okay, I am weak.  I have major problems being totally disconnected; but, I think I did a pretty good job yesterday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day Off

I do not normally take a day off during the week; but, about a month ago my niece-in-law asked me if I could drive Callum to school as she was taking a class.  I said yes, I 'll just take the day off.

Well, I don't have to take Callum to school as Carrie ended up interviewing and getting a new job; but, I decided I would still keep my day off as to date I have accumulated 24 vacation days.

So it is the middle of the week and I have decided that I will take a beginner's Yoga class at the gym and then get a massage.  I will run a couple of errands: donate some clothes, go to the post office and stop by Home Depot and pick up my potted flower plants and a plant that I want to place in the little plot of land on my back patio.

All of those things may not seem exciting or necessarily indulgent to you - but they absolutely are to me.

I will try very hard to not respond to my emails and to not let my mind wander to work - that will be the hardest thing of all.