Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

It is New Year's Eve and while many of you are getting ready to either have a party or attend a party I am busy cleaning.

Today I honor one of my mother's superstitions which is to "never let the New Year catch you dirty".  I have two loads of laundry to do, I will be mopping the floors, I vacuumed the rugs yesterday while also straightening out all of the other rooms.

I will take clothes to the cleaners, stop by the post office and get the car cleaned despite the fact that we are due for a major snowstorm between Thursday and Saturday morning.

Does it have any bearing on whether the New Year will be a good one or not; probably not, but it is an overall peace that I have that on the New Year my house is clean and nothing requires my attention.

Tonight I will be able to relax with a drink, some pate, a bubble bath and a new nightgown.  

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