Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Snow Day

I was all prepared to drive to work on Tuesday morning, after all I had my team's homemade Christmas gifts to give them.

I left the house a little after 6AM and managed to get on the Taconic Parkway although it had begun to snow - the problem was that it was sticking.  As I crossed the AMVETS bridge I realized that driving to work was not such a good idea and I decided to turn around by taking 134 West in Ossining.

What a MISTAKE!!!  The road was dark - covered in snow and the first right my GPS told me to take I decided to ignore as the road stated it doesn't get plowed and it looked as if it still had the snow from this past weekend.  I kept going straight and finally got on Route 9A North.  Now I know where I am.

I got behind a truck who had his hazard lights on and did 15MPH.  I decided that I would take the exit that would let me get home via the town - couldn't take the first exit windy, up hill and totally snowed over.  Took the second turn into town and went very slowly without having to put on my brakes at the stop sign.

I finally was home by 7:20 - at 5:30 I went out and cleaned my car so that I could drive to the train station on Wednesday morning.  When I looked out my windows at 7PM - it had FINALLY stopped snowing.

Oh, and P.S., since I will not see my team until after the New Year I will have to bake for them and make coquito again.  In the meantime, my nephew and my boyfriend will be enjoying this batch.

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