Saturday, December 14, 2013

Car Servicing

Getting your car serviced is usually not something that most people enjoy; but I do.

My dealer could not make it easier for me - I am able to make my appointment on line, they open at 7:30 in the morning for services so if I don't get the 7:30 slot I usually get the 7:45 booking and that is what I had yesterday.

My car had 4,552 miles on it and only needed to have its oil changed, next time they will rotate the tires.  There is a diner that is only 100 feet away so I was able to tell them that I was going to get some breakfast and provided them with my cell phone.  I had breakfast, read my newspapers and went back to the dealer/service station.  I let them know I was back.

In just a little over 5 minutes I was told my car was ready and no charge as the first oil maintenance was free.  Breakfast, the papers and my car's oil changes all in an hour!!!

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