Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Territory

As many of you know I am in the visual/video conferencing/collaboration industry - I have been a part of it since 1989.

But yesterday was a first for me - I had to record a video message to have published to the Visual Communications Industry Group (VCI-Group).  This would be my January's President Message to the membership - I normally write a letter; but, I was convinced by the Board to do the video.

I have to thank my friend and fellow Board Member, Catherine who agreed to be on the other end so that I could talk to a "live" body and not just the camera.  She helped me determine the lighting, the distance of the camera and listened to my message.

Next, the video went to fellow Board Member, Theo who will edit from my three takes and put together the final version that will be posted on our web page and sent out via social media.

I am grateful to the Board and especially to Catherine and Theo for their patience, time and encouragement.  I am lucky and blessed.

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