Sunday, December 15, 2013

'Tis the Season

Despite the weather yesterday I had plans to meet friends that I have known since 1981; two of us were going to see the Nutcracker Suite and then the third friend would join us for dinner.

Mother Nature had us change our plans; and, instead we met for Brunch/Lunch and then went to the ballet.  I took an early train and drove to the train station despite the weather - I could not get a taxi to pick me up.  In the city the weather was not bad at noon.  We had a wonderful lunch and it was great to catch up on what we have been doing over the past years.

The ballet was wonderful - it had been many years since I had seen it.  Coming home was not so easy - I could not find a taxi at Lincoln Center.  There was a bus that would go to 5th Avenue and 42nd Street - perfect!!

I arrived at Grand Central at 5:08 and my train would leave at 5:17 - talk about timing. When I got to my car I immediately started removing the snow - I made sure it was nice and clean and then started the 6 mile drive home.  I chose to only drive 15 miles per hour and barely put on the brakes.

I made it home in one piece and was glad that the weather didn't dampen the outing.

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