Thursday, October 2, 2014

Two Different Responses

This week I have been surprised by the responses of individuals this past week when I advised them of merit increases.

For several years now - basically since 2008 raises throughout the United States have not been much; gone are the days of a 15% raise - gone are the days of 5% raises; more often than not most raises are only a cost of living raise - 3%.

This week as I advised individuals of their raises - they were not really happy; they wondered why there wasn't more.  First, we work for a Health System that is a non-profit organization - we are not going to receive lucrative increases.  Secondly, we all received the average raise.  

What surprised me is the individual who makes the least was the most effusive in his acceptance of a raise - he told me it was the first time he had received one because his hospital generally didn't give raises annually.

Like I showed - there are two sides to the coin; the very grateful and the ones who want more.

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