Monday, October 27, 2014

I Did It

So I who have never taken a spin class end up taking my first spin class in the water.

I want you all to know that I survived it and I did enjoy it.  What was great about the class is that many times you are also working your upper body whether moving your hands in or out of the water and that you are going at your own pace.

Of course, our getting to class was not without our having some adventure.  We ended up in Brooklyn and not lower Manhattan because we selected the first 78 Franklin Street that came up on the GPS.  The funny thing is that 78 Franklin Street in Brooklyn is also a cycle place but not our aqua spin facility.  Also we were only minutes away from where we needed to be except for the traffic.

We got to facility at 11:40 - parked the car unsure if it was a legal parking spot or not despite asking someone and were the first ones there for the 12 noon session.  Later we went to grab lunch and headed home.

It was a great experience with a friend and an opportunity to see what I am capable of.

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