Friday, October 3, 2014

Time to Change

The weather and the temperatures have made my decision easy - time to change my closet and drawers to fall/winter clothes.

It is time to say good-bye to my sandals, shorts, capris and sleeveless shirts - with the temperature due to go down to the 40's in the evenings I need to pull out boots, socks, long sleeve shirts and pants.

I will start the process this evening and hope to have it all completed by Saturday night. It is a good time to see what stays, what gets donated and what has to be replaced. Yesterday was a testament to having to do this when I pulled out one of my winter suits that I buttoned and then threw a scarf around my neck.  There was certainly a little chill in the air.

Time for the crisp smell of autumn, fireplaces and to come to the realization summer is truly over.

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