Friday, October 31, 2014

No Tricks, Please

It is Halloween morning and I do not have a stitch of candy in my house!!  This is sooo not me!!!

I usually have my candy by the beginning of October - this year I choose to wait a little because I did not want any candy in the house tempting me to eat it - I wanted to lose a few pounds.  I thought I would pick it up on Wednesday after work; but, that didn't happen as by the time I got home it was pouring.

So here it is Halloween and I will need to run out during lunch and pick up a ton of candy. Maybe I was right to wait, candy could be on a big sale and I have about 5 coupons that I can use.

I am going to believe that the phrase "the early bird catches the worm" is not always right.  Well that's my story and I am sticking to it.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Looking Forward

I am not usually one of those individuals who lives for the weekend; BUT, I am this week.

I really cannot wait until Friday - it is Halloween and my great, nephew Callum will be coming over with his Mother to have dinner and to "trick or treat" in my neighborhood where he can easily hit 75 to 80 homes.  I look forward to seeing all the children come by and to view their costumes.

Callum and his Mom will spend the night so we can have a "sleepy over" and then on Saturday night we get to put our clocks back and gain an extra hour of sleep.

Not like me - but, very much needed this week.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Yesterday I wasn't on a treadmill; but, instead I felt as if I was that hamster running on my wheel and getting nowhere.

I tried to feel good about myself because I was assisting every one of my team members in any way that I could and trying to take on any administrative tasks I could so that they could focus on getting the technical items done.

For anyone who is in the HealthCare industry it is well known that we are all stretched and busy with trying to understand Ebola and how to deal with it.  I work on the periphery and my focus is more on enabling communication between Clinicians, Executives and patient to Clinician.

It is a frenzy - that is the feeling - but; unlike the hamster I hope we are getting somewhere.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gorgeous Autumn Day

Very soon the weather is not going to be so gorgeous; but, yesterday was a great day to go outside, look at the foliage and enjoy what Mother Nature has provided.

It was good to go out at 6AM and not have to deal with frost, cold or wind.  It was a little breezy; but, not so bad that more than just a scarf over my business suit was needed. The sun was so bright later in the afternoon that sunglasses were needed to deal with it.

Yesterday was a gift, today is scheduled to be a better replica of yesterday.  Take a few minutes to step outside, look at the autumn colors, see the blue sky, feel the warmth of the sun and thank Mother Nature.

Monday, October 27, 2014

I Did It

So I who have never taken a spin class end up taking my first spin class in the water.

I want you all to know that I survived it and I did enjoy it.  What was great about the class is that many times you are also working your upper body whether moving your hands in or out of the water and that you are going at your own pace.

Of course, our getting to class was not without our having some adventure.  We ended up in Brooklyn and not lower Manhattan because we selected the first 78 Franklin Street that came up on the GPS.  The funny thing is that 78 Franklin Street in Brooklyn is also a cycle place but not our aqua spin facility.  Also we were only minutes away from where we needed to be except for the traffic.

We got to facility at 11:40 - parked the car unsure if it was a legal parking spot or not despite asking someone and were the first ones there for the 12 noon session.  Later we went to grab lunch and headed home.

It was a great experience with a friend and an opportunity to see what I am capable of.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Something New

Today I will be trying something new and hoping I can last the 45 minutes of the program.

A friend of mine who is the Zumba aqua aerobics instructor for my class on Saturday mornings and I are going into Manhattan and trying an aqua cycle class.  There is only one place that offers it in the Village in New York City.  You can take a trial class for $34 and the class lasts 45 minutes.

Abby and I are taking the 12 noon class and I am just hoping I can walk after the class is over.  We tried to get others to join us - but - everyone is waiting to hear our experience was.

This discussion is not over - I will let you know tomorrow how I made out and if I can get myself out of bed to go to work.  As they say - nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Nice Visit

It isn't very often that Gerard, my nephew and I have time alone with each other but we did yesterday and it was good to catch up.

I had asked Gerard to stop by if he didn't mind to give him his World Soccer magazine and for his and the boy's Halloween cards and gifts.  I won't see Ryan before Halloween as he will be heading up to Boston for a hockey tournament; and, I had bought him and Callum a Halloween shirt which I thought Callum would enjoy wearing to school on Halloween.

This alone time with Gerard gave us an opportunity to talk about some family issues; but, more importantly for me to find out what he wanted to do for his birthday - go out to dinner or my cook something special for him.  He selected my cooking for him.  I also was able to get some other items that he would like for his birthday then just black sweat socks.

He is such a low key, low maintenance individual who has not a bad bone in his body. He is genuinely a wonderful individual.

Friday, October 24, 2014

On a Dreary Day

The past two days in New York have been dank, dreary, windy and rainy.  Most individuals on those days just want to stay in bed and hibernate - NOT ME!

These past two days I have been doing catch up on email messages, reviewing different proposals, learning how to provide a project status in a new program and completing my Ebola Virus initial training.

The rain and dankness acts as a cocoon and provides the quiet and time I need to focus and get things completed for work.  I know that this is probably strange and not what most people would do; but, this is the way I work and concentrate.  Given that I get 3 to 4 messages for each one that I write it can become difficult to stay caught up.

My need to focus, have some quiet and give my total attention to these emails, proposals and meetings is tantamount to being able to succeed.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Stuffing - and - It's Not Food

Yesterday morning I felt a little like one of Cinderella's stepsisters trying to stuff my foot into the glass slipper.

It is now time to put away the sandals and the open toe shoes and to wear my heels and close toed winter shoes.  It is always a bit of a shock when you try to put your foot into the shoe and wonder why it is so tight.

Of course all summer long your feet have been allowed to spread in their sandals, flip flops and sneakers - now here I am trying to restrain them.  For the first few minutes my shoes always feel a little tight and then they get used to the confinement and are happy. Need to keep it this way for the next 6 months before these toes can be out in the open again.

Well, since I got my foot in the shoe - maybe I am Cinderella and not one of the evil stepsisters.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


As I had let you know I was going to put together a storage cart for my patio and was waiting to get my area rug for the living room.

Well I am pleased to say that all of that is done.  It didn't take me longer than 30 minutes to put together the storage cart and get it into the back patio - it isn't full with the cushions because it had rained and the cushions need to dry before the get put away. That will occur this weekend when we have a couple of sunny days, the cushions will be dry and can easily be put away.

I am pleased that now the area rug is down in the living room - the room now looks complete as it had been looking bare before.  For many of you this may seem silly to be so concerned and wanting to get things done - for others you can totally commiserate with my angst at wanting to get all this done.

We each have anxiety about different things, each of us has different priorities and that is what makes us all unique.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I Am Not Good At This

I don't understand why when I order some things they are not put together; or, more importantly why doesn't it state this in the description.

I ordered a storage bench for my backyard - I am going to place all the patio furniture cushions in it for the winter time.  I expected to come home last night to a 4 foot box on my front step that I would have to carry to the backyard.  Not a problem - I was ready to so.

Was I shocked when I came home and the box was only 1 foot wide and not 4 feet long. IMMEDIATELY I knew I was going to have to put this bench together.  OH NO!!!  I am not good at doing this - it takes me hours to put these things together; because my mind does not work this way.

Cross your fingers, wish me luck that I can get this done on my first try and doesn't take me more than an hour.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Noticed - But Not Sure Why?

I just noticed something - but, what I think it is more important to understand why the change.

A neighbor of mine lost her husband last year.  Prior to this they never decorated their home for the holidays, had people in their backyard or a barbecue.  Actually if it wasn't that their cars were in their parking space you wouldn't even know that they were home because you could never see any lights on.

Now I notice that the front steps have autumn flowers and a Halloween wreath on the door.  Recently she had a barbecue and tones of individuals in the backyard.  I noticed that the patio furniture has been covered for the winter and as I throw my garbage out I can see the lights on in her living room and kitchen and even the television is on.

I just wonder why these signs were never there before; and, now that she is alone all these changes.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mission Accomplished

It is one of the last things I do to prepare for the winter ahead - clean the barbecue grill and cover it.

It is a hard job and I can never get it as clean as if it were brand new which is my ultimate goal.  I cannot tell you how many products I use, the elbow grease and the time to make this shine.  Despite this cleaning I will clean it once again at the beginning of spring before the first barbecue.

It is now covered and will remain this way through the summer.  I ordered a new deck box which will arrive on Tuesday - in it I will place the chair and lounge chair cushions; as well as, the papasan cushion.  All of the furniture will get covered until April.

Now today I will go get a manicure as I tend to do all this work without gloves - I know everyone else uses them; but, I find them confining.  Doesn't matter as long as it is done.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Do I Have Enough?

Is there something that you make sure you have plenty of at home?  I do - but, you are going to be surprised.

Come fall/winter time I make sure I have plenty of rich body lotion.  Now as the weather gets cooler my skin will begin to itch as it gets dry from the lack of humidity.  To ensure that I do not give myself welts from scratching I try to make sure that I have plenty of body lotion that is rich with almond, honey or coconut oil.  I never worry that I am too oily as my body just soaks it up as soon as I put it on.

I am always happy to receive body lotion as a gift; and, I also make sure that I have a tube or small bottle of lotion at my office desk and in my briefcase.  

As it gets colder we each have different things we worry about; and different ways that we deal with them.

Friday, October 17, 2014

It's Me Time

As you already know the last 9 months were very tough and as I needed to put all my energy in getting things settled with the Delaware house - I didn't focus on myself.

So I am a few pounds heavier and a little less active - all of which needs to change and that change begins NOW!!

Once again the focus will be on my eating healthy and getting my workouts in - as 60 looms closer every day I want to be the best I can be at that age and in that period of my life.

It just means I need to make myself a priority - to be selfish and not feel guilty about it.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Go With the Flow

I am one of those folks who can attest to the fact that I rarely have commuting issues.  My train is generally always on time and it works like a clock.

Except for yesterday.  I was ready early yesterday morning - much having to do with my inability to sleep that night.  So I was ready to leave the house 10 minutes earlier than usual; but, decided that I would wait for a quarter to the hour.  I left at 6:45 to catch the 7:06 train.

I did my swing around to find a metered parking space and thought I was quite lucky to find a spot that was $0.25 for each 45 minutes - I put in enough quarters to cover me for 9 hours and 45 minutes.  I had time to stop by the restroom and just as I was going to the track that would cover my train - a voice came on.  I was expecting them to state that the train would be on a different track - but - NO.

The announcement was that the 7:06 train was cancelled due to mechanical issues and there would be another train coming in 20 minutes.  It did and it was packed - I took the first seat I could find (the ride is an hour long) and managed to settle in while the rest of the commuters were standing.

I made it to work in time for my 9AM meeting and I have to admit that this situation is the exception rather than the norm.  Besides I would much rather ride the train then drive to work.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Almost There

I have very little left to do to put summer away and have everything prepared for the winter.

Monday I changed out the closets and drawers and yesterday I changed the curtains in the living and dining rooms.  The only thing left is to place the area rug down on the living room floor - cannot do that until next Tuesday when it will be ready from being cleaned and stored.

In my closet I only need to change out my shoes and I will do that Thursday evening and then this weekend I will clean my barbecue grill, cover it,  put away the patio furniture cushions and cover the furniture.  All nicely done and ready for whatever Mother Nature decides to give us this winter.

I will be a much calmer and happier individual when I have this all completed - that OCD part of me who lives by lists and getting things done by a certain time will be fulfilled.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Not Just Yet

I am holding out - as of yet I have not turned on the heat for my home.  Can I last until the end of the month?

The days have been warm enough to not need to turn on the heat - the coolest it has gotten during the night has been 45 - and I have a down blanket and a quilt on.  I am sure that pretty soon I will need to turn on the heat; but, for now I am enjoying having a Con Ed bill that is less than $150.00.

I have heard that gas, oil and propane have gone down this year - only my bill will attest to that in the next few months.  If the price of gas is any indication then I will say that I will pay less than I did last year.

Only time will tell - for now I will relish in the fact that I am putting off turning on the heat.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Only With a Child

You always hear of unconditional love - between humans unconditional love can only exist between a child and an adult.

Children don't ask anything of you other than to give them your undivided attention, to kiss their bo-bo's, to give them a hug and to play with them.  If you do all of that they will love you unconditionally.  They are not looking for anything materialistic, their minds don't know to lie or be conniving - they are open, trusting books.

I know all this from spending time with Callum - all he wants from me are hugs or to squeeze him.  We go on our little shopping errands and he doesn't ask for anything other than to spend the time with me.

I hope each of you has experienced this amazing love - to know that someone loves you because of who you are; not what you have accomplished, how much money you have or what you can give them.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Time to Prepare

The weather is certainly getting chilly and although I have not turned the heat on in my house yet, there are things that I am doing.

The garden hoses have been removed and the water pipes turned off.  The ice scrapers have been placed in the car and this week the barbecue will be cleaned and then covered for the winter.  The cushions will be removed from the patio furniture and the furniture will be covered up.

It is time to break out the almond and coconut oil to start putting on my body since the cold weather tends to do a number on my skin causing me to give myself welts as I scratch.

Not looking forward to the cold; but, it is a necessary evil - so just get ready and accept.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

In the Kitchen

I will spend the majority of this Saturday in the kitchen - cooking.

I will go to my aqua aerobics class; but, then I will be heading home to tackle the last of the apples that we picked a couple of weeks ago.  I have not baked for Gerard or my boyfriend yet so I will make the cinnamon apple bread, apple oat cheesecake bars and apple sauce.

The majority of the time will be peeling and coring the apples - then the easy part is the mixing and baking.  Then putting it in a nice presentation for them to take home.

As Gerard and the boys will be by for dinner and it is Columbus Day weekend I will make them some baked ziti with ground meat and Italian sausage, garlic bread and a healthy salad.  I have ordered a cannoli cake for dessert so they  do not have to open their baked goods.

Like a girlfriend of mine - cooking is therapeutic, it makes me happy when people enjoy what I have cooked.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Going Back

Do you ever have an opportunity to go back to your old neighborhood?  Do you notice the changes?

This past week my work travels took me through the 4 miles that I constantly frequented when I lived in New York City and I was amazed at the changes.  What stores and restaurants no longer were around.  What new stores and restaurants were now in the neighborhood.  What new buildings were up and about.

I was in awe - it has been 10 years since I moved out of my apartment in Tudor City - right in midtown Manhattan it was easy to go uptown, downtown or crosstown.  It has become a more upscale neighborhood - not that it wasn't when I lived there; but, to see stores like Vince Camuto was surprising.

I was glad for the opportunity to see the changes - I was happy and glad for the time I lived there.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Did You See It?

Were you aware that yesterday morning we had a lunar eclipse?   It was actually the second one for this year.

I heard on the news that the pinnacle of the eclipse would be between 6AM and 6:15; and the only thing that we would see of the moon would be this red aura.  Unfortunately I had to be on the 5:53 train yesterday morning so I would miss the eclipse; but, I was able to see the moon get covered little by little.

I am not sure I have ever experienced a lunar eclipse.  As a child I can always remember the eclipses that we had to view through a device and not look into the sun when it occurred.  I don't even know if this happens any longer.

It was just a good day to see science and nature working in harmony for a beautiful transformation.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Time to Come Out of the Closet

There is no denying it any longer, it is time to get the items out of storage from the cleaners.

I stopped by my cleaners yesterday to pick up some items and to drop others off - for the last time some clothes were worn and now they are to be cleaned and put away in the closet until next spring.

At the same time I went through the items that I placed in storage in March of this year and it is time to take them out.  This weekend I will put up the curtains and lay down the winter area rugs.  Everything has been cleaned, pressed and will feel like new. 

Away goes every shred of summer as out come the sweaters, suede shoes and scarves. Time to embrace the crisp weather.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Is It Supposed to Hurt?

One of the perks for working at the Health System is that we get the flu shot for free and they make it convenient.

Most of the offices are scheduled for nurses to come and give us our flu shot - I was not in the office last Tuesday so I just thought I will stop by one of the hospitals and get it done one day after work.  Well that day was yesterday - I was at the hospital cafeteria at 2:45 to get my flu shot.  There was only 2 people in front of me so that was fine.

I no time flat it was my turn to get the shot - I answered the questions, signed and then I was told this would hurt a bit - done and now I left to drive home.  Can I tell you that my entire left side hurt - I took the shot in my left arm.  Even as I write this my left arm where the flu shot was given still hurts.

I cannot remember these feelings last year or the year before - does anyone know if this strain is stronger?  I am hoping that the uncomfortable pain goes away soon.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Assembly Line

Yesterday was my second baking with the apples we had picked a week ago.  I had a mini assembly line going on in the kitchen.

I made 5 pans of oat apple cheesecake bars that I will take into the office this morning.  I had made these last year and they were a big hit - I hope they are again this year.  I made 3 pans in my first batch and then made the remaining two in my second.

I should let you know that as of yet I have not baked a thing for my family - that will happen next weekend when I will make them their apple cinnamon bread, bars and apple sauce.  I have to replenish my sugar during the week.  I did already have to pick up more quick oats and flour this past weekend.  As you can see I will be visiting the baking aisle quite a bit for the next 3 months.

Well I hope everyone enjoys them - as much as I enjoyed making it for them.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nothing Good

Have you noticed that there is nothing good on TV on Saturday evenings?

Currently there is only college football and reruns of shows that were on during the week. Other nights during the week I am DVRing a show while I watch another and then at times I have to watch another on demand because all three major stations had something on at the same time.

Is it expected that the entire US populations goes out on a Saturday night?  Reality check - we don't!!  A good many of us enjoy just relaxing at home after a hard week at the office and a busy Saturday.

I guess I shouldn't be too angry since there is nothing on - it is the one night a week that I can attempt to get more than 5 hours of sleep.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chapter Closed

I can officially close a chapter in my life - it has cost me 9 months of my life, more than $40,000 and I am down 3 members of my family.

I have learned to never lend money again, to not believe people when they say they are going to pay me back and to have an iron clad contract in place should I ever think that I will be generous again.

As a result of this a once tightly knit family that spent every holiday together and vacationed together no longer speaks to each other.  For some reason people cannot understand that they had a responsibility and made a verbal contract and not living up to that is unacceptable and has its consequences.

I believe in Karma and I know that I have done the right thing - I am rid of a house; it took only 3 weeks to receive an offer once it was placed on the market.  I did not make money from it; but, neither did I lose money other than the $34,000 that I will not recoup from the closing and down payment.

I am saying good riddance to the house and to the people; and welcoming the next phase of my life without the baggage.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Time to Change

The weather and the temperatures have made my decision easy - time to change my closet and drawers to fall/winter clothes.

It is time to say good-bye to my sandals, shorts, capris and sleeveless shirts - with the temperature due to go down to the 40's in the evenings I need to pull out boots, socks, long sleeve shirts and pants.

I will start the process this evening and hope to have it all completed by Saturday night. It is a good time to see what stays, what gets donated and what has to be replaced. Yesterday was a testament to having to do this when I pulled out one of my winter suits that I buttoned and then threw a scarf around my neck.  There was certainly a little chill in the air.

Time for the crisp smell of autumn, fireplaces and to come to the realization summer is truly over.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Two Different Responses

This week I have been surprised by the responses of individuals this past week when I advised them of merit increases.

For several years now - basically since 2008 raises throughout the United States have not been much; gone are the days of a 15% raise - gone are the days of 5% raises; more often than not most raises are only a cost of living raise - 3%.

This week as I advised individuals of their raises - they were not really happy; they wondered why there wasn't more.  First, we work for a Health System that is a non-profit organization - we are not going to receive lucrative increases.  Secondly, we all received the average raise.  

What surprised me is the individual who makes the least was the most effusive in his acceptance of a raise - he told me it was the first time he had received one because his hospital generally didn't give raises annually.

Like I showed - there are two sides to the coin; the very grateful and the ones who want more.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Was Ready

Yesterday my focus was to get one major project completed - submit all the quotes and paperwork to have the Telestroke program approved and in Procurement.

I spent a good couple of hours going through all the quotes, creating the matrix summary and the contract cover sheet.  My major roadblock came when I was drafting the email message for submission and realized that the major vendor did not provide their quotes in a word document.

I emailed the Account Manager and called him and still several hours later there was no response.  This work requires that I am focused and singularly working on this one thing to ensure that all of the work is properly completed and submitted.  Nothing bothers me more than to not have the information the way I need it when I need it.

I have today (Wednesday) another few hours of uninterrupted time and I am hoping to get this all completed then.