Sunday, June 30, 2013

Re-Claiming My Home

After 3 nights and 3 days of Callum spending time with me I re-claimed my house yesterday.

Never having had children I really do not know what it is like to have toys all over the place or to be cleaning up crumbs throughout the day, giving up the television and having Nick, Jr. play all the waking hours or to spend a good time of your day feeding a child, then changing their diaper.

But Callum and I came to a "deal" - I would have the News on until 10AM, then he could have his 'shows' on until Jeopardy came on at 7PM - then the television was mine for the remainder of the evening.

Also, all toys would be put away at the end of the day before we went to bed.  If he had a cupcake for dessert then his hands and face had to be clean before he could go into the living room and sit on the furniture.

Now that the ground rules have been set, the next time Callum will spend an extended period of time with me will be August and I cannot wait.

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