Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back to the Gym

It has been a few weeks since I have been to the gym - there were a variety of reasons: a) work has been hectic, b) it was pouring one weekend, c) I babysat the boys another weekend; and, d) lastly, I was away last weekend.

Those were all my excuses - I am done.  Work is about to become somewhat reasonable again and I have no major commitments for the next several weekends.  The nice thing is that I have not gained any weight!

Today was aqua aerobics and tomorrow will be Zumba - two classes that I love and which really push me to my limits.  What I am always amazed at is that the muscles remember and it feels good to stress them.

Don't let the fact that you haven't worked out in a few weeks stop you from trying.

You can always get back on that horse!!!

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