Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer 2013

It's HERE!!! Finally, summer has arrived and I feel like a child - school is out and I have 2 1/2 months off.

Not really.  I still have to work; but, this is my favorite time of year - I love the sounds, smell and feel of summer.  Besides feeling healthier and prettier with a slight tan to my skin - vitamin D which you get from the sun is good for you.

The weekends will find me lying on my lounge chair on the back patio reading a book or taking a quick nap, there will be weeding that will get done and the proverbial barbecue.

Let's not forget the foods of summer - for me it is the fruit that is available like nectarines, cantaloupe and cherries that catch my fancy.  Also, I think of lobster rolls or shrimp and crab salad.  What about tomatoes or corn.  Yes, I do have the occasional hamburger, potato salad and baked beans.

Enjoy the summer - its sounds, scents and taste.

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