Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tough Decision and Outcome

There are times when the handwriting is on the wall and we ignore it - but, we had ignored as long as we possibly could.

On Friday at the VCI-Group Board meeting we determined that it was time to dissolve the organization, this was a tough decision for the Leadership Team to make and then present to the Board.

We have done everything we could to produce quality sessions and information for our peers in the industry; but, unfortunately people did not feel we were worth joining and/or our programs were not worth their time.

So after many years of being on an industry board and being President for the past two years this period of my life is over.  This is a double edged sword, I am looking to the time I have now gained back; but, I will miss the ability to be an influence and know what is happening in the industry.

1 comment:

  1. I have wonderful memories of 10+ years exhibiting and attending the PUG conferences as well as being at the very first Polycom Alliance conference in New Orleans, before they acquired PictureTel and PUG changed from PictureTel User Group to Polycom User Group.

    The dissolution of VCI-Group is, to me, a result of the power of electronic groups and information and the growth and evolution of the Unified Conferencing space.

    There are definitely tangible and palpable benefits to being part of a group with a common cause. I cherish the connections, relationships and memories I developed through the PUG years. -- Leah Weston, Sales Engineer, HPC Solutions, Inc.
