Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Time Together

I thoroughly enjoyed my time together with Callum this past weekend - he came over on Sunday and left late Monday afternoon.

He had a great time building a tower with his blocks and then of course he had 3 to 4 electronic items around him watching or doing different things.  We had a great time going to the bookstore where he played with the Thomas train set that they have and eating a chocolate cupcake, he then went to Pier 1 with me where I purchased a trunk coffee table and he was on a swing set.  He liked the papasan chair and I am glad as I bought one for the back patio.  Then off to the grocery store we went.

We are making plans for him and I o go to Disneyworld at the end of August.  I know we were just there last month; but, we have found something he likes and is comfortable with.  I am aiming for the last week in August when there are less people there and we can take advantage of some of the Disney discounts.  I have frequent flier miles on United so I think we will be able to fly down for free.

It will be a nice ending to the summer - just he and I having a great time on the rides that he enjoys at Disneyworld and watching the fireworks each night.

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