Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Safety First

After three years at the Health System I am finally going to to a construction site and for that I need safety equipment.

There was no extra safety equipment in any of our facility organizations which meant that we needed to buy our own equipment.  Monday found me at my local Home Depot picking up six safety glasses, six safety vests and six hardhats.  Of course now they do not have a shopping bag large enough to put all of this - so only the glasses and the vests go in the bag.  The hats went in my trunk until I could get one of my recyclable bags to put them in.

We are all set and today Chris and I will inaugurate our equipment, I will give the other members of my team their equipment so that they can have it in their car for when they are on a job site.  Never thought I would be dressed like this; but, I guess there is a first time for everything.

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