Monday, May 19, 2014

Need to be Careful

As you know I am in Baltimore for the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) conference.  I was excited to be in Baltimore.

Catherine and I arrived in Baltimore on Saturday evening and were in our hotel a little after 8PM - we decided we would like to get something quick to eat and asked the concierge for a place to eat.  He gave us directions to his favorite restaurant and we thought we would be on our way.  Needless to say Catherine and I thought we followed the directions to a "t"; but, never found the restaurant and ended up on the wrong side of town.

We could only focus on hurrying up and getting back to our hotel; but, we could not find it and finally had to ask some young men how to get back.  We were told stay to the right of the road and you will run into it - under NO circumstances were we to go to the left.  We finally got back to our hotel and ended up having something to eat at the bar.

Yesterday (Sunday) in the day light we were able to get our bearings a lot better and now feel confident on navigating where we need to go.

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