Thursday, March 13, 2014

Peace and Quiet . . . Ah!

Yesterday was Wednesday so I was in the New York City office; because there is a training class going on many of the individuals who come in on Wednesday didn't.

I was amazed at how much I got done, how quiet the facility was and how I was actually able to think.  I absconded my boss's office and sat and worked from 8:30 to 5PM, I had a couple of conference calls - that is typical; but, I was also able to get a report done for one of our Executives, to review a status report and to read through a proposal.

I generally get that done when I work from home; however, lately I have been getting solicitation calls starting at 8AM that go right through 8:45 at night - not only do they occur on my home land line; but, also on my mobile.

I cherish the days that I can hear my brain think, process the information and provide some good insight to my team, peers, boss, vendor and clients.

Peace and quiet - do not underestimate its necessity.

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