Saturday, March 22, 2014

Let the Cleaning Begin

Last night spring cleaning began at the house.

It will probably take me about 2 weeks to do everything that I want as not only do I plan to clean; but, also to de-clutter.  I began last night with the upstairs rooms by changing comforters, rugs and curtains.

Over the weekend I will do the same with the downstairs rooms so that come Monday morning the house will be in spring colors.  What I will then focus on is going through every draw and closet and either keeping, donating or throwing out items.  This will be a massive de-clutter event that I will have done before Spring Break when I will go away with Gerard and the Boys.

I want to enjoy my patio this coming summer and having done all of this within the next two weeks will allow me to focus time on the outside of my house and my enjoyment of it.

The time invested up front is what will enable the enjoyment at the end.

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