Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The First of the Season

Yesterday morning we had the first snow of the season and it came during the morning commuting hours.

Needless to say it appears that many folks forgot what it is like to drive in snow (which wasn't sticking to the roads) since last March.  The television and radio kept announcing all the various accidents that were on every major artery in New York and New Jersey.

Exit ramps were backed up and you still had the eager beavers who were weaving between cars hoping that they could get to their destination quicker than the rest of us.  I took my time - stayed to the speed limit or below and figured that if I was late into the office - I would be late to my own staff meeting.

I wasn't late; I may not have had the 45 minutes I enjoy before my staff meeting; but, I did the things I normally do before it - after and no one was worse for it.

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