Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Boys

On my way home from work I picked up the boys as they will spend the next several days and nights with me.

Gerard had surgery on Monday and Carrie had to be back at work on Wednesday.  I had taken Wednesday and Friday off from work so offered to watch the boys for the next several days.

On Monday afternoon I ran to the grocery store to load up on milk, corn muffins, watermelon and black & white cookies.  I like to make sure that I have what each child likes in the house.  We will not celebrate Thanksgiving since Gerard may not be home and certainly cannot eat a heavy meal so I will make Ryan's favorite, pork chops and mashed potatoes.

I have books for them and I am hoping they will enjoy the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV. We will have to see what else we can do to stay entertained; but, I will certainly also do some baking that they will each enjoy.

I already have a pumpkin bread made for Callum and I have all the ingredients for his cheese danish.

Hopefully, this time Gerard can relax and heal without worrying about the boys and Carrie can focus on him.

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