Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Missed Calls

I thought because yesterday was Election day that I would not have any more telephone calls - BOY was I wrong!!!

No sooner than I sat down to eat my dinner than the telephone started ringing.  I would get up and select the "hang up" button so that it would go to the answering machine, put the phone back in its cradle and then sit down again.  Can I tell you that I did this at least 6 times before I took the phone with me and put it on the couch so I would not have to get up any longer.

I so wanted to answer the call and "rant and rave" at the person on the other end except that it is a recording and there would be no satisfaction in that.

Generally things like that do not get me upset; but, it took me over 2 hours to get home last night because there was an accident just as you got off the Cross County Parkway and went to get on the Bronx River and Sprain Parkways.

Aren't there nights when you get home from work and want to be left alone?  That was me last night!!!

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