Saturday, November 23, 2013

Remembering 50 Years Ago

Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy.  Anyone who was older than 5 remembers exactly what they were doing when it was announced that he had been killed.

I was 8, in second grade at Catholic School when it was announced that the President was dead.  It was a solemn three days and the world grieved for him.  Upon reflection his death sparked a revolution in our own country, many more assassinations (his brother, Robert and Martin Luther King, Jr), the cold war, the civil rights movement, riots and the beginnings of the Vietnam War.

We lost our innocence back then - the newer generation lost their innocence with 9/11.  It appears that every few years there is something that occurs that shakes our very beings, has us once again lose our naivete and become leery as adults.

Let us remember the good of the time, what we have learned and how we can do good for the world.

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