Saturday, April 20, 2013

The News Media

Were any of you like me horrified at how the media handled the Boston situation yesterday?

I could not believe that the entire day they focused on how the FBI and the Boston police were tracking down one of the individuals involved in the bombs on Monday.  I am not opposed to this individual being brought to justice and what our law enforcement did - I am opposed at the media doing a "blow-by-blow" of the chase of this individual.

I was waiting to see them actually shoot this individual on live TV.  Can we please STOP from sensationalizing such a horrific act for the world to see.  Can you not understand that you are giving this individual what he wanted "attention" at the expense of the individuals that he hurt.

I like and enjoy the news - I just don't need it to be IN MY FACE and to have it regurgitated for ten or more hours.

I plead our networks to be more sensitive to their viewers and to the individuals who have been victimized.

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