Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finally . . .SPRING

Finally signs of SPRING!!!!

The hyacinths (my favorite) and tulips are blooming in my front yard.  Now I feel as if spring has finally arrived.  Hyacinths are my favorite flower partly because of their scent.  I happen to enjoy all flowers that have a strong scent gardenias, plumeria, jasmine - they represent to me the tropics.  And although I love their scent - I don't wear it as I know it can be off putting to other individuals who are sensitive to scents.

I had been looking as how the winter and snow had played havoc with the bricks that I had placed around the flower and plant beds.  Wasn't I surprised and ecstatic to see that the gardeners who take care of the community fixed it.  Now all I have to do this coming weekend is replace the solar lights in the flower bed and clean up the small patch of planting area in the back yard.

I am looking forward to uncovering my patio furniture, cleaning it and the first nice weekend day laying on the lounge chair and reading my book.

To begin spending time outdoors, with nature and a simple life.

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