Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm a Believer

For many years I had no belief in chiropractors and felt that once you started going to them you could never stop.

A few years ago I hurt my shoulder by doing lateral pull-downs and I did not see what the original weight was - big mistake.  I went to the chiropractor a couple of days a week and began to feel much better.

Yesterday morning I went to the chiropractor again - I had not been in several months and I had been feeling just fine; but, as I have mentioned to you my left hip flexor has been bothering me and then this past weekend my left shoulder has been somewhat tight and tender.

It was the absolute right thing to do - Dr. Miller was able to help with my left hip flexor and I do not have that sharp pain that I have had for a couple of weeks.  Also my shoulder is feeling better although I do think I will need to go again next week just to keep everything nice and flexible.

Lesson learned is - don't knock something until you try it.

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