Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Visitor

For the last six weeks I have had a visitor on my back patio - it is a red breasted robin.

He visits throughout the day, taking the stance of looking at all that his eyes can see as if he rules it and it is his realm.

I admire his posture, his regalness and the brightness of his breast.  It appears that he is watching to make sure that nothing has been taken or is not in its proper place.

I am wondering how long will I have my visitor?  Is he here just for the spring or will he stay throughout the summer?  What brought him to my patio - can I expect him again next year?

For now I will enjoy him for as long as he visits.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mission Accomplished

By 4:30PM on Sunday everything was done that I had planned for the weekend.  I was ecstatic.

This weekend I had planned workouts, changing the clothes from my closet and my dresser draws and tending the patio.  And it got done!!!

On Friday and Saturday I focused on the dresser draws and the closets, determining what was staying and what was being donated.  I decided that anything that was labeled "Medium" had to go - dropping 12 pounds let me now be a small; and, in some instances an extra small.

Sunday was time for some errands; cleaners, bookstore and then home to attack the patio.  I uncovered the furniture, scoured it clean and put on the cushions.  I also attacked that small patch of dirt - out came all the weeds and I planted some creeping thyme - it is supposed to rain tomorrow so I hope that this will grow.

The only thing left to do is to buy some potted flower planters.  I will do that next weekend to place on the front steps and some on the back patio.

Next Sunday I am hosting Cinco de Mayo and I hope that it is warm enough that the boys can enjoy playing in the backyard.

Nothing feels better than checking off everything on that "to do list".

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Aqua Spinning

The other day on the news a reporter spoke about aqua spinning - it is literally spinning while in the water.

There is only one facility in New York City that has this capability and it is something I would like to try.  You have to be in 4 feet of water and there is no resistance on the bike because your resistance is trying to stay on the bike because of all the water activity that you are generating as you spin.

It is absolutely supposed to give you an excellent workout and be kind to your joints as the water gives so much buoyancy.

I mentioned this class to my cardio splash instructor, Abby yesterday morning and we are hoping to get a few of us to go into Manhattan to try the class.

It is only 45 minutes long - I am a sucker for something new - I am even going to do a yoga class this week.

Somehow as I get older I am more willing to challenge myself; is that a sign of maturity?!?!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Switching of Clothes in the Closet

I don't care if the weather is going to cooperate or not.  This weekend my evenings will be focused on switching the clothes in my dresser drawers and closet from fall/winter to spring/summer.

It is time to put away the navy, grey and black and pull out some pink, orange and lime green.  That doesn't mean that I do not have navy, grey and black for the spring/summer - I do; those are the colors of ALL my business suits and clothes.  But my tops and accessories are all bright, neon or tropical colors.

Also, the fabrics are lighter - no heavy tweeds, wools or long sleeves.  It is time for the gabardine, cotton and twill with short or no sleeve tops.  Even jewelry can be fun - now is the time to wear my butterfly and flower pins on my suit lapels.  And let's not forget off come the hose, socks and anything else used to keep my feet warm.  I cannot wait to wear my sandals.

Finally the weather will cooperate and I am doing it on a weekend when I do not have too many other obligations.

Friday, April 26, 2013


I am looking forward to this weekend.  The weather is supposed to be in the mid 60's and sunny each day - I will take advantage and garden.

The front yard has everything blooming and before everything has sprouted I want to remove some of the dead plants, take out the old solar lights and place the new ones in their spots.  It is time to trim some of the bushes of their dead limbs so that the new growth can be healthy.

My little patch in my back patio needs to be weeded, the ground turned and then I can plant some flowers.  I see that some of my planters did not survive the winter and have major cracks so they will need to be thrown out and replaced.

I am looking forward to finally removing the covers on my patio furniture and grill, cleaning them and putting on the chair and lounge cushions.

I will then run out and buy some potted flower planters for my front steps.  I love coming home at night and having the flowers on the steps.  Ah, spring and its glorious colors.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm a Believer

For many years I had no belief in chiropractors and felt that once you started going to them you could never stop.

A few years ago I hurt my shoulder by doing lateral pull-downs and I did not see what the original weight was - big mistake.  I went to the chiropractor a couple of days a week and began to feel much better.

Yesterday morning I went to the chiropractor again - I had not been in several months and I had been feeling just fine; but, as I have mentioned to you my left hip flexor has been bothering me and then this past weekend my left shoulder has been somewhat tight and tender.

It was the absolute right thing to do - Dr. Miller was able to help with my left hip flexor and I do not have that sharp pain that I have had for a couple of weeks.  Also my shoulder is feeling better although I do think I will need to go again next week just to keep everything nice and flexible.

Lesson learned is - don't knock something until you try it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In Search Of

Have you ever been in search of the perfect shoe?  I know that only most women can relate to this; but, I am looking for the perfect navy blue pump for the fall/winter and the perfect navy sandal for the spring/summer.

This past winter I was told that navy was the color that you could find in the spring/summer.  I thought okay that shouldn't be a problem as navy appears to be the color for spring.  Every where I look I see navy mixed with white or kelly green or red - so can navy sandals be far behind?

It seems they are or maybe I am just too picky.  I don't want a heel higher than 3 inches, I prefer a wedge, I don't want anything too trendy - my preference is for something that will last several years and I have to be able to walk in them.

I have not come across them yet - I will continue to look; in the meantime if you find something like that - let me know!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finally . . .SPRING

Finally signs of SPRING!!!!

The hyacinths (my favorite) and tulips are blooming in my front yard.  Now I feel as if spring has finally arrived.  Hyacinths are my favorite flower partly because of their scent.  I happen to enjoy all flowers that have a strong scent gardenias, plumeria, jasmine - they represent to me the tropics.  And although I love their scent - I don't wear it as I know it can be off putting to other individuals who are sensitive to scents.

I had been looking as how the winter and snow had played havoc with the bricks that I had placed around the flower and plant beds.  Wasn't I surprised and ecstatic to see that the gardeners who take care of the community fixed it.  Now all I have to do this coming weekend is replace the solar lights in the flower bed and clean up the small patch of planting area in the back yard.

I am looking forward to uncovering my patio furniture, cleaning it and the first nice weekend day laying on the lounge chair and reading my book.

To begin spending time outdoors, with nature and a simple life.

Monday, April 22, 2013

If You Hate America .. Then Why?

If you hate America, they why have you chosen to live here?  Why are you being educated, living and enjoying the freedoms of our country?

This country was built on the beliefs and lives of our forefathers who looked to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  All who come to our country are provided the same rights and especially if they are fleeing political persecution.

How dare you take advantage of our rights and then turn them against us?

There are so many people deserving of what we take for granted and what you have been offered.  I don't know how we can do it; but, let's make sure that the people who come to the United States do so because they truly want and deserve the rights that we implemented in 1776.

This is still the country of milk and honey; rags to riches and dreams do come true.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I had the boys last night and will have them for the day.  Nothing can erase the horrors of this week than spending time with them.

Each of them has their own personality and their own questions which they ask as I go around doing the chores for the day.  Each has their own food likes and dislikes.  For Ryan the older he likes three good solid meals and his snacks are watermelon and black & white cookies.  While Callum who has food issues he is into his peanut butter and cocoa cereal, chocolate milk, orange juice, cheese danish and any cake I have baked.

I am cherishing this day with them as we will read books, play games and watch Nick Jr. together.  Ryan will help set the table and ask what he can help cook, Callum will stand on the step stool and ask, "Auntie Toni, what's that".  I will answer all those questions.

When they leave this evening there will be an extra hard hug and kiss.  Hope you do the same with all the children in your life

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The News Media

Were any of you like me horrified at how the media handled the Boston situation yesterday?

I could not believe that the entire day they focused on how the FBI and the Boston police were tracking down one of the individuals involved in the bombs on Monday.  I am not opposed to this individual being brought to justice and what our law enforcement did - I am opposed at the media doing a "blow-by-blow" of the chase of this individual.

I was waiting to see them actually shoot this individual on live TV.  Can we please STOP from sensationalizing such a horrific act for the world to see.  Can you not understand that you are giving this individual what he wanted "attention" at the expense of the individuals that he hurt.

I like and enjoy the news - I just don't need it to be IN MY FACE and to have it regurgitated for ten or more hours.

I plead our networks to be more sensitive to their viewers and to the individuals who have been victimized.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Second Amendment

Our second amendment is: the right to bear arms.  It appears that this has been taken to the extreme by many Americans.

No one seems to be aware of when this amendment was written (back in the late 1700's) and that perhaps it should have been repealed by now.  In the 1700's when this amendment was made into law it was because individuals used guns to hunt, to protect themselves from the Natives and to fight the British.

Yes, we have individuals who hunt; but, in the year 2013 we do not need to protect ourselves from the Natives or to fight the British.  So why do we need guns?  More importantly, why do we need military artillery as an individual?

There needs to be gun control - perhaps what we should be doing is repealing this amendment.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't Hurt Others

Many of us are continuing to process what happened in Boston on Monday.  What I cannot get my arms around is how an individual can devise a plan to hurt so many.

If we look back at some of the latest tragedies in our nation they were done by Americans - they were not acts of terror by terrorist groups who hate Americans.  Think back: Oklahoma, Columbine, West Virginia, Newton and now Boston - all patriots who have enacted terror, fear, and hurt on their co-patriot.

I have an issue with us doing harmful things to each other - I was brought up by the Golden Rule; "do unto others as you would like done unto you".  If you HATE so much then instead of hurting others - why do you not hurt yourself?

Come to value life - yours and that of the people around you.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Loss of Innocence

Our jobs as adults is to protect and shelter our children.  As children they should be free to explore the world, walk fearlessly through their formative years and absorb all that is good.

Unfortunately, more often nowadays that is not the case.  It pains me that our children once again have seen people die, get hurt and to be afraid of what can occur at a public function.

Why can't they enjoy some of the simple things that we grew up with?  How about walking to school with no fear of being abducted, when bullying was the big kid stealing your milk money and not a social media cyber attack?

For as much progress as we have made in the last couple of decades we have lost being able to provide a world that is safe, energizing, informative and wonderful for our children.

Let's remember what is important and who we are here for - that next generation, your and my children.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hip Flexor

I have now taken two barre classes and a ballet workout class and my left hip flexor is very tender.

I could tell something was wrong over a week ago after I took the first barre class because I had a pain on my left hip - my right hip was totally fine.  My theory was I am using muscles that I have not used in this manner.

I took the barre class a second time and this time I could barely lift my left leg up for certain exercises; but, trooper that I am I continued my aqua aerobics and Zumba classes.

I finally took my first ballet workout class and my left hip continued to hurt - after class I spoke to the instructor who informed me that it was my hip flexor and the best thing for it was to stretch it out.  It is doing moves that it isn't used to and needs to be stretched.  

Each of us has one side that is tighter than the other - mine is my left.  I am hoping that through some stretching exercises and continuing my barre and ballet workouts that in time my left hip flexor will become more limber.

As they say - listen to your body - as we get older do things which will make you more agile and flexible.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tax Day

Today is April 15th and the day that we must either file our taxes or ask for an extension.  Many people fear today - not me.  We know that it is inevitable, just like death.

Do you realize that it is the 100th birthday of the filing of taxes?  I just learned that yesterday.  And today's taxes are very different then the were back then - taxes were only 7% and paid for by only by the rich.

I have never been someone to wait until the very last day - I have one place for all my receipts throughout the year.  As tax information comes in January I place them in that one folder and by mid-February I have all my information, have built my spreadsheet for my Accountant with all the categories, mortgage interest, charitable contributions, etc.

When I see my accountant it is a 15 minute conversation - they are filed within a couple of days and within 4 weeks I have my refund.

Being organized and a bit compulsive let's me not be anxious about this time of the year.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reading Books

I finished reading a book yesterday and pulled another one down from my shelf to start immediately.

I try to read a chapter or two every evening and it may take me longer now to read a book than when I used to commute into Manhattan every day.

I am so pleased to see that Ryan and Callum are interested in books and enjoy reading.  Okay Callum is only 4 1/2 and really cannot read; but, he does like big books and by that I mean adult books.  He knows how to hold them properly and to turn the pages.  He actually holds the books and states, "tell a story" - he is actually holding the book so that we can see it.  I know that he mimics story telling time at school; but, I love that he has embraced books.

Today after I finish up at the gym, I will stop by Barnes & Noble and pick up a book for Callum and one for Ryan - they will be spending next Saturday night with me and this will be a way for them to entertain themselves.

Reading will introduce them to the world, transport them to different lands and let their imaginations run wildIntroduce a child to reading or become re-acquainted yourself with a good book.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dark & Stormy

Yesterday's weather made me think of Snoopy and his endless writings on "It was a dark and stormy night".  I understand that we need the rain - last weekend there were weather alerts warning us of brush fires so we can definitely use the rain.

But can't it be a gentle rain with the sun still partially shining?  Must it be cold, dreary, windy, gray and just miserable??!?

I am trying to rush the season in - I have washed my down coats and put them and my wool coats away.  I am now ready to put away my wool suits and tweed jackets - I know that one day soon this weather will change and I can wear cotton t-shirts and light jackets.

Soon, very soon as they say, "the sun will come out tomorrow".

Friday, April 12, 2013

Barre Workout

As you know I like to change my workout and do new and different things.  I have decided to take a barre and ballet workout.

I have now taken the barre workout twice and I can tell you this is NOT the ballet class that I took as a little girl in my pink tights and tutu.  This is an extremely strenuous workout that fatigues your muscles; specifically, those large ones in your gluteus maximus and your legs.

The ultimate goal is to lengthen your muscles and to gain a dancer's body - I am not sure that I will ever have a dancer's body; but, I am fine with lengthening my muscles and strengthening my legs.

The barre workout is a challenge; but, as the instructor states anyone can do a repetition of 8!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mother Nature

Isn't it amazing how Mother Nature works?  We have had two gorgeous days with the temperatures close to 80, incredible sunshine and nary a cloud in the sky.

Last night there was a major thunderstorm which came quickly with torrential rain and incredible lightning - and - just like that the temperature has lowered and the weather has become chilly again.

As it is only going to be mid-April we really shouldn't complain that our temperatures are still in the 50's during the day - summer will be here soon enough.

For now, let's hope that we can put away the down and wool coats.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New York Traffic

Yesterday my boss urged me to leave the office a little after 3PM - our goal was for each of us to get home so that we could get on a call and finish a presentation for a meeting today.

An hour and 45 minutes - piece of cake I should be home with 30 minutes to go through yesterday's mail.  All was fine off Long Island, on to the Throgs Neck Bridge and onto the Hutchinson River Parkway.  And there began my mistake.

The Hutch as we call it is only 5 miles long - it does have a tendency to get a little backed up; but, not too bad.  Not yesterday.  It took me 40 minutes to go 5 miles - I normally would not mind except we had this meeting scheduled for 5PM.  Well I was 6 minutes late - my boss who lives in New Jersey and has to go over the George Washington Bridge made it under the 2 hours.

As they say, "the best laid plans of mice and men".  Good news - we did get the presentation finished and are prepared for it today.

Wish us LUCK!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Work and Life All in One Day

It is rare when I can fit in personal obligations with work successfully; but, on Monday that all happened.

Monday I had to be in the city for a couple of meetings - but, before that I was able to get to the dentist for my six month checkup and cleaning.  I don't normally come into the city any longer and when I do it is on a Wednesday - a day that my Dentist is not in the office so I was happy that it worked out.

Then I was off to meetings at 1 Penn Plaza and then later in the day to Lenox Hill Hospital.  The evening ended with drinks and dinner with a friend.

Due to our busy lives and family obligations we have not been able to see each other in over a year - it was nice to just sit down, unwind and catch up with our lives.

The best, like I said is when I can manage my personal and professional life so succinctly.

Monday, April 8, 2013

In Memoriam

Yesterday my brother would have been 49 years old.  This November he will be dead for 10 years.

My brother was my Mother's determination - she wanted another child and preferably a boy after two girls - she got her way only because she took advantage of my father one night when he had had too much to drink.

My Mother went back to work when my brother was less that a year old - he became my responsibility and my paternal Grandmother always referred to him as my son.  That became even more so once my Mother became ill when he was 4 and then died when he was 7.

My brother's biggest fear was dying young and leaving his girls behind, he had three of them.  Unfortunately having been in the Middle East and exposed to Agent Orange he developed a weak heart - he was on the transplant list; but, did not make it.

Like his Mother my brother died in his 30's and left behind three children.  I know that he is watching over them and that he is now spending many hours with Mommy.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Did It

Well I told you that I was putting my nose to the grindstone and was getting back into my workout routine.  And I DID!!!

It began on Friday with a hip-hop Zumba class and then on Saturday I did three one hour classes.  It began with aqua aerobics at 8:30, then Zumba toning with 2.5 pound weights at 10:30 and then a barre class at 11:30.

After that I should have just passed out - but, I didn't.  I did some errands and then came home and did a load of laundry, read through some magazines and cleaned out the magazine rack of old magazines and catalogs.

Got clothes ready for the work week and prepared to take another Zumba class this morning.  Am I achey - YES - but, not enough to stop me from this renewed energy and enthusiasm to get back into my workout routine.

If you ever have any doubts, just ATTACK it and then rejoice in what you have done.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


This month will mark several birthdays for various family members.  And as usual off I went to buy birthday cards, arrange them as to when they need to be mailed and to bug my niece as for what people would like as a gift.

I find as individuals get older that buying a gift becomes harder or at the very least more expensive.  Given that we are now disbursed it is not as easy to find out what someone would like for their birthday.

I always listened to my nieces, nephews and friends to hear what they might off hand remark on and then I would literally "pounce" off to buy it.  Not being around as much I don't have the luxury of eavesdropping to what they want.

I hope that what they get they like, need or want and that they realize it is given with love.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Back to the Grindstone

The last month has been difficult to work out between business/personal travel, getting ready for Spring and Easter.  But that is all behind me and it is time to get serious again.

Within the next three days I have scheduled myself for 6 workout classes - some of them like Zumba and aqua aerobics are part of my routine.  Zumba toning will begin again on Saturday; but, the new one in my repertoire will be the barre.  This will be a ballet class - I took ballet when I was young; but, I know that this will be different.

Not too long ago I took a ballet toning class and it was quite strenuous.  I look forward to once again setting up my workout routine for the week - I will be doing approximately 8 classes a week.  I know that may seem like a lot; but, it really isn't and I enjoy pushing my body.

As someone stated to me there are approximately 6 weeks to bathing suit season - not that I wear one very often; but, it is good to feel confident in one.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


When it comes to my home, I am a perfectionist.

I am always looking for the perfect throw pillow, the right comforter set or all accessories which will go with the theme I have in a room.

I sometimes question whether I should have become a designer.  When I am putting a room together my mind has formed the perfect curtains, rugs, pillows and accessories and I go around crazily looking for what is in my mind's eye.

The same happens when I am putting together an outfit to wear, I know what the top should be like, or the shoes and bag and I get very upset when I cannot find what I have conjured up.

It may not be the exact thing that I want; but, I generally can find something that I like and which will "do".

Many times I need to revise my expectations and not make them out of reach.  There is nothing wrong with perfectionism; as long as, you can accept that it will not always happen.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

On Monday evening I was beginning to fade by 7:30 - I was really so tired that all I wanted to do was go to bed.

I went upstairs prepared to do just that - but, there were clothes from the cleaners that needed to be hung up, then I decided to bring the hangers down to the laundry room, throw out the cleaner bags; back upstairs I unpacked my weekend bag, ironed my blouse for Tuesday and put away my overnight bags.

I now was wide awake and was able to stay up until 10PM.  I was amazed that I managed to get a second wind and was able to complete everything just because I started moving instead of sitting.

Next time you need that second wind - start doing some things around the house or wherever you are.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It is April

The calendar says April; but, the weather still feels like the beginning of March.  That nasty lion who brought March in just refuses to leave!!!

Every now and then we get a hint of what spring might feel like - the sun was bright and shiny on Saturday and as we headed to Delaware I was hoping that we would be able to spend some time outside and soak in some more sun.

The best day of the entire weekend was Monday - the day we were heading back home.  And now the weather is going to get cold again and the weatherman has cautioned us to keep out winter coats available.

I don't know about you but I am DONE with winter.  I want to put away my winter coats, scarves and gloves and wear lighter suits and sandals.

Let's hear it for the warm days of spring - if we all shout loud enough maybe Mother Nature will hear us!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

35th College Reunion

I received in the mail a postcard announcing the 35th reunion of the class of 1978.  It is hard to believe that it is 35 years since I graduated from High Point College, now known as High Point University.

This is a reunion that I will go to - it has been over 25 years since I have been at High Point and I want to see the changes that have occurred over all these years.  My college years were wonderful and the education that I received immeasurable.  As a Liberal Arts college it was necessary to take 6 credits of a language, English, math or science, history, religion and music or art, and then you could focus on your major.  It gave me a well rounded education and an opportunity to speak on many subjects in the real world.

So, that is not the only thing - the BIG surprise is that the postcard announcing the reunion has a picture of me on it.  Was I SURPRISED and flattered.

Well then leave it to me to volunteer to be on the reunion committee - I never learn my lesson.  But I will only have myself to blame if I this doesn't come off and I did not do anything to help.

Here's to a great 35th reunion of the Class of '78!!!