Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Turn Up the Music

As I spend a good couple of hours driving to and from the office the radio in the car is always on.  

It is my companion and my mood changer - lately, the song "Happy" makes me smile and dance - as a DJ commented on the air last week - you cannot be anything but HAPPY when you hear the song.

I have also noticed that Callum enjoys music - for Christmas one of his gifts was a piano/keyboard and I understand that he plays that quite often.  He also will announce to me the various instruments and the sounds that they make.  Recently he heard some music and told me that it was a trumpet playing - and when we went to the American Museum of Natural History he pointed out the music artifacts and associated them with today's instruments of a flute, cello and violin.

I let music guide my feelings - if I am melancholy or if I am jubilant - music will reflect my mood and emotions.  Succumb to the power of music.

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