Friday, February 7, 2014

I Hate Being Sick

I always know when I am going to get sick and I could feel it coming on Sunday night, that slight scratch in your throat, a small sniffle.

Once I feel it coming on I start to take Contact to see if I can stop the cold. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky this time and the pressure on my sinuses is not good.  Yesterday was not a good day not only was I dealing with a cold; but, it seems that Callum has come down with some kind of stomach virus.  He threw up in the morning.  He is always so apologetic when it is not his fault that he is ill.

He was then his happy go luck self; except he threw up two more times in the early afternoon.  He would not eat any food and the only thing he could keep down was water or lemonade.  Later I could tell he was running a small fever and he fell asleep when his father arrived to take him home.

There appears to be something going around and I feel awful when I see Callum gets sick like that.  I am hoping that I will be fine and so will he by the weekend.

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