Friday, February 21, 2014

Check Mark - Completed

Although I do not expect to die anytime soon - I knew last year that I needed to get some paperwork updated and completed.

Happily on Monday I will have the last piece of the puzzle all done.  It began during the summer as my Certificate of Deposits came due and I rolled them over I also changed my beneficiary.  Then came my insurance policies - completing that paperwork.  In November as I selected my medical benefits at work I made the changes to my beneficiary at my job.

Last October I began the process to change and update my will and health proxy - the last piece of the puzzle.  This coming Monday I will meet with my lawyer to sign and have notarized my Last Will & Testament, a Living Trust and my Health Proxy.

This weekend would have been filled with these less than pleasant papers; but, a necessary evil.  Oh, and I also got my taxes done - so I am all set for now.

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