Monday, February 3, 2014

I Wonder How???

Do you ever wonder how children learn things?  This weekend Callum had me questioning that.

He kept talking about bowling - and wanting to go to the bowling alley.  I don't even know how he knows about this sport or the alley as we have never taken him bowling, we don't watch it on TV nor have we spoken about it.

Wouldn't you know that yesterday morning, "CBS Sunday Morning" had a vignette on bowling and there was Callum watching it and talking about the pins going down and that there were 10 of them.  How did he learn that?  To know that they are called pins and that the goal is to get all 10 of them down?

I am always amazed at his intelligence and how quickly he grasps everything.  He is truly a sponge that soaks up much knowledge.

The other thing that is great is that he listens to how you say a word and will continue to repeat it until he has it right.  I hope his love of learning will go on for many years; if not, his entire life.

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