Sunday, February 2, 2014

Time with my Little Man

Whenever we have a family dinner I need to work it so that Callum can have his "sleepy over".

Yesterday after his parents and brother left he was spending the night with me.  He loves his routines and it included his taking a bubble bath and putting on his snowman pajamas and reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - a book he knows by hard.

Today we will go get gas in the car, stop by Barnes & Noble where he will play with the Thomas train set they have up and he will choose an adult book which I will put back and not buy.  We also have to go to the grocery store - I always make sure that there are a few things that I have to pick up because he loves this trip.  He will sit in a shopping cart and I will give him "spins".

This little boy has made me realize what is important in the world - he keeps me grounded, young and I now know what unconditional love is.

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