Friday, February 28, 2014

Spring Cleaning Early

I have begun to do some Spring cleaning - besides between the snow and the sub-zero temperatures what else is there to do?

Last Saturday night I cleaned out my three underwear draws as I put away the lingerie that had been laundered.  It was a perfect opportunity to put them in order and to put in front the items that had not been worn.

Last night I tackled two draws that had shirts and sweaters in them. They had gotten a bit messy and things were getting even worse as I continued to look for turtlenecks or sweaters to wear in the cold weather.  It also gave me an opportunity to determine if some things should be donated and people can wear them now instead of waiting until next winter.

If I continue to do Spring cleaning now; then maybe I can be outdoors when the weather finally gets warmer.  What a novel idea?!!

Holy Skunk

A colleague of mine always likes to say to me that I live in the country - I am going to have to start to agree with him.

Last night I went to take out the garbage and get the mail.  I had regular garbage and some recyclables - I went to the regular garbage dumpster first, opened, the gate, lifted the lid and dropped my garbage - then closed the lid and the gate.  I then moved over to the recyclable dumpster and opened the gate and what was right there at the bottom of the dumpster but a SKUNK.  I immediately slammed the gate shut and backed away.

It was after I slammed the gate that I realized that could have been a mistake as I could have startled the skunk and had him release his scent.  I put my recyclables in the regular garbage dumpster and as I look to walk away there comes the skunk sauntering away from the dumpster.

I decided to walk slowly, quietly and stay back from him.  Needless to say it was a slow walk to the mailbox as I wanted as much space between him and myself.  It was a surprise, a close call and I walked away scent free.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fortuitous Parking

Yesterday was my day to go into New York City and I always park at a meter at the train station.  

I went to my usual area and there were no spots; so I tried the alternative location and noticed that no one was parked in the area so I took the very first spot.  Was I very surprised when I put my first quarter in the meter and it registered 45 minutes.  Whoa - normally I only get 30 minutes for my 25 cents.  

They do not publish the pricing on the meters so it is a "hit or miss" situation as to whether it is 30 minutes or 45 minutes for my quarter.

Believe me I will remember this especially next week when I go to the city on both Wednesday and Thursday and will need to use the commuter meter parking again.  It pays to get out of your rut and park somewhere different - you never know what surprise you will get.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

To Self or Not to Self

I am not a proponent of the "selfie"; in fact, I do not like my picture taken at all in any circumstances.

This is for many reasons; I don't think I am photogenic, as a child I had to sit and pose for my father for many hours as he was an amateur photographer and as a result of that I prefer to not have my photo taken.

I do not understand everyone's obsession with the "selfie" - and the posting of your own yourself.  Although I am re-thinking it as I understand what NBC's Today Show is attempting to do.  We as humans are very tough on ourselves and our bodies - we are able to point out everything we dislike about our bodies; but, find it difficult to focus on those things we do like.  There is always something we are trying to improve.

Their (Today's Show) focus on the "selfie" is for us to appreciate ourselves more and to understand that we are the only ones criticizing our flaws.

Over the years I have met many physically beautiful people who later became quite ugly because of their behavior and treatment of others.  Beauty truly is from within and the values, respect and the way we interact with others determines our beauty.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Turn Up the Music

As I spend a good couple of hours driving to and from the office the radio in the car is always on.  

It is my companion and my mood changer - lately, the song "Happy" makes me smile and dance - as a DJ commented on the air last week - you cannot be anything but HAPPY when you hear the song.

I have also noticed that Callum enjoys music - for Christmas one of his gifts was a piano/keyboard and I understand that he plays that quite often.  He also will announce to me the various instruments and the sounds that they make.  Recently he heard some music and told me that it was a trumpet playing - and when we went to the American Museum of Natural History he pointed out the music artifacts and associated them with today's instruments of a flute, cello and violin.

I let music guide my feelings - if I am melancholy or if I am jubilant - music will reflect my mood and emotions.  Succumb to the power of music.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sleep, Glorious Sleep

Of late sleep has been elusive with my just getting a little over 4 hours of it on Saturday night.  

There is nothing worse than it taking over 2 hours to fall asleep and then waking up every half hour and staying awake for awhile.  As a result of twisting, turning, covering, uncovering myself and anything else I could do to fall asleep I woke up with a pulled muscle in my back.

I decided to treat myself and after filling up my gas tank I went to my nail salon and got a milk and honey spa pedicure and a manicure.  The spa had given each of their patrons a $10 gift certificate towards the spa pedicure and I knew that the milk and honey would be very moisturizing.  What an indulgence to have my feet and calves massaged for 15 minutes - to have warm paraffin placed on my heels - no calluses on these feet now.

Unfortunately, just as i would fall asleep in the afternoon for a nap the telephone would ring - I should turn off the ringer; but, would be concerned that I would forget to turn it back on.

I am just hoping that this is a one or two day issue and not something that will carry on for a week, weeks or months.  They say it is important to get a good 8 hours sleep - I would settle for 6 or 7 hours.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beautiful Sunny Winter Day

Yesterday was a gorgeous winter day - actually it was more like a prelude of what we can expect in Spring.

Given the temperature, in the 50's and the intensity of the sun it was easy to get up in the morning and go to the gym to take aqua Zumba - it was a great class and I know that today I will be feeling the workout.

It was also wonderful to just have a light jacket on, no gloves, scarf or hat while running around the neighborhood doing different errands.  The only reminder that it was winter was all the mounds of snow that I had to look around before I could turn into the road.

I hope you enjoyed yesterday because according to the weather forecasters we are due for another visit from the very evil polar vortex this coming week.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Check Mark - Completed

Although I do not expect to die anytime soon - I knew last year that I needed to get some paperwork updated and completed.

Happily on Monday I will have the last piece of the puzzle all done.  It began during the summer as my Certificate of Deposits came due and I rolled them over I also changed my beneficiary.  Then came my insurance policies - completing that paperwork.  In November as I selected my medical benefits at work I made the changes to my beneficiary at my job.

Last October I began the process to change and update my will and health proxy - the last piece of the puzzle.  This coming Monday I will meet with my lawyer to sign and have notarized my Last Will & Testament, a Living Trust and my Health Proxy.

This weekend would have been filled with these less than pleasant papers; but, a necessary evil.  Oh, and I also got my taxes done - so I am all set for now.

Please Explain

Okay at this point we all know that the US women's Olympic hockey team did not win gold; but, silver.

I say "KUDOS" to these women and well deserved.  What I don't understand and would like explained to me is that our women's hockey team is made up of amateurs; but, our men's hockey team is made up of professionals.  Why?

The Olympics was to honor and showcase our amateur athletes.  Why is it that in some sports we have to have our professionals participate instead of putting together amateur teams - we certainly have enough athletes at the college/university level that could fulfill that role.

Let's give the Olympics back - these games should be for our amateur athletes.  Let the professionals continue doing their jobs - and, not seeking the gold.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is the Charge Affected by the Cold?

I have had a Fitbit Flex for over 6 months; but, lately it seems to be losing its charge.

I am wondering if it has to do with the cold weather - I used to be able to hold the charge for 6 to 7 days; but, lately in 2 days I am only half charged.  I guess I won't really know if that is the case for a few more weeks when the weather is consistently warmer every day.

This week will just be a hoax as the temperature is to be in the 50's on Friday and Saturday; but, they are already stating the terminology "polar vortex" again for the end of next week.

As I know that the batteries in mobile phones are susceptible to the cold weather I can only assume that the same is affecting my Fitbit Flex - for now I will just charge it every other day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Enjoy Your City

This past weekend I did something that I would recommend to everyone - stay in your city and enjoy some of the culture it has to offer.

I found a great price for a hotel in New York City in the Times Square area and spent two nights in New York City with Gerard and the boys.  Our goal was to give them a mini vacation; but, to not spend a fortune and/or be concerned with the weather.

We did things like hit the candy spots; Dylan's, M&M World and Hershey's.  But; more importantly, we went to the American Museum of Natural History.  We spent over 2 hours walking the various floors of the museum and seeing the different exhibits.  It was Callum's first time and it was good to introduce him to the museum, taxi cabs and the bus. He is becoming quite adept to the various forms of transportation.

It was a nice way to spend two days - we didn't let the snow hamper what we wanted to do and it was a good way to mix culture with fun things for the boys.  I highly recommend doing this in your city.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

President's Day

Yesterday was President's Day and the majority of us had the day off - did we think of our past President's - probably not.

We probably took advantage of the sales, maybe started a vacation since it coincides with the kid's winter break or just glad it was a 3 day weekend.

I am always surprised that President's Day focuses on George Washington and Abraham Lincoln considering that there were President's between Washington and Lincoln; and, many more after Lincoln.  Each of them did something for this country - yet we do not hear of all their contributions.

I want to believe that every person who has run for this office truly believed that they did so for the American people and for the fulfillment of the American dream and our pursuits.

If they did not - shame on them.  Should future President's consider the lives of the individuals they represent and should our elected Senators and Congress feel the same this would be the great country that it deserves to be.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Where Is It?

I am packing to spend a couple of days at a hotel in the city and I can't understand why I can't find certain clothes?

I am looking for a blue turtleneck and some pullover sweaters - I find neither!  Could I have given away all of my pullover sweaters?  Why would I have done that?  Given this winter the only way to stay warm is through layering.  I decided to go to the store to see if I could find a turtleneck or a pullover sweater - NO SUCH LUCK!!

Of course per the stores - winter is OVER; please tell that to Mother Nature - who not only dumped over 2 feet of snow last night; but, is now still giving us more snow.

I did manage to find a long sleeved pullover sweat top that underneath I can wear a crew neck shirt.

Hopefully between those two items, a scarf and a quilted puffer coat I will stay warm - but, I will continue to look to replenish my turtleneck and pullover sweater collection.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Watch Where You Are Driving

We have had so much snow in the Northeast that there is literally no place to put it any longer.

There are major snowbanks at every corner making it treacherous to drive - it is difficult to know if you can make a turn or go into a lane without moving into it quite a bit to see if something is coming.

Not only are there major snowbanks but there is ice all over - starting with my walking out my front door.  There is a two inch sheet of ice outside my front door - as the snow begins to melt off the roof it then freezes on the steps and the landing to my front door.

I continue to put salt on it hoping it will melt - I was ecstatic yesterday when the grounds crew came by and broke up all the ice on the steps and the sidewalk.  Finally I will be able to safely walk out the door and down the steps.

I am hoping the weathermen are correct and that the temperature will be in the 40's and 50's next week.  We can then expect some massive melting, at least I have new rain boots to keep my feet dry.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Yesterday morning I was sure that my paper hadn't been delivered but I thought I would look anyway - except I couldn't!

I could open my front door because that opens "in" - I could not open my storm door which opens "out" because there was snow blocking it from opening and my community had not been shoveled yet.  It has been several years since this has happened.

I don't think I realized how bad and how much more snow I was getting on Thursday night when the house was lit up by the lightning and then shook with the thunder - I should have known.

My only hope is that I am shoveled out before 1PM as I am then on conference calls until 4PM and I would like to clean my car and move it so that the entire parking space can be plowed.

On a parody to what my great nephew, Callum sings, "snow, snow go away come again another day" or in this case "another year".

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day - I hope that you will be able to enjoy it despite the awful weather.

Today's a day to show that special person how much you love them.  BUT, I say why do you have to wait for just one day to show that individual how much you love them?  Why does it have to be one grandiose gesture once or twice a year?

I would much rather show my love and caring throughout the year by doing small unexpected gestures.  I love to show my love through cooking - having a nice simple meal ready.  To pick up a book or a small gift that I know they would like.

Don't just let the calendar dictate your expressing your love or affection for someone; do it every day in unexpected ways.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Was Lucky

Yesterday was Wednesday - my day to be in the city.  

It is an easy commute day as I drive to the train station, park at the commuter's station and then head onto the train and within an hour I am in the city.  Sounds easy enough except that yesterday in order to put my quarters in the meter I would need to scale a 3 1/2 foot mound of ice that was also 2 feet wide.

This was not going to happen, I had a business suit on, heels and there was nothing to hold onto so that I could reach to put the quarters in the meter.  I was prepared to come home to a ticket.

When I arrived at work I mentioned to everyone my dilemma and they stated that the Town should not be able to give me a ticket if I could not get to the meter.  My thoughts were okay; but, I am sure I will have one when I get there.

I was all set to take pictures and have them to attach to the ticket to send back to City Hall when I got off the train.  I had my glasses, my cell phone to take a photo and in my mind I was already crafting the message.

But, a surprise - NO ticket.  I was ecstatic.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Schedule, Cancel and Re-schedule

This will be another week of re-scheduling appointments due to the weather and snow accumulation.

I have now cancelled my Red Door Salon appointment twice - I had booked a hot stone massage with a gift card that I had been given in December 2012 - now, I am not sure when I will be able to use it.

I have had to reschedule having my taxes done because we were due to have 2 feet of snow - well that didn't happen and now I won't have my taxes prepared until the end of the month.

Lastly I was supposed to meet my attorney on Thursday to sign my new "Last Will & Testament" and they are predicting that we will have snow beginning at 4AM on Thursday morning through 2AM on Friday morning, YEAH!! NOT!!!

I will need to reschedule that appointment for later in the month too.  Never have I had the weather make such an impact on what I was trying to do - nor have I rescheduled so many appointments.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

36 Days

Do you know what happens in 36 days?  Spring ARRIVES!!!

For many of us we are "done" with winter this year.  It seems that every other day it is snowing.  Once more yesterday I had to clear snow off my car and move it to have my parking spots cleared.  I smashed the heel of my shoe on my welcome mat to crack the ice that was on it.  The problem is that if the sun shines the snow on the roof drips onto the welcome mat and then overnight freezes.  I keep expecting to land on my tush one morning.

They are talking of another large snowstorm beginning on Wednesday evening and going into Thursday.  At this point I am not sure how the children will be making up all these snow days.

Isn't it ironic that it happens to be colder and there is more snow on the ground here than in Sochi, Russia where they are having the winter Olympics.  What is up with that?!?!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Winter Wardrobe

I never thought I would be the type; but, this winter has made me a convert.

My at home winter wardrobe has become sweatpants, turtleneck, wool socks and my black clogs.  This has been a brutal winter so far and my clothes decisions are what will keep me warm and be practical as I run errands or clean off the car from another dumping of snow.

There is no way to look attractive in sweats - this winter it is all about staying warm and being practical.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

24 or 48 Hours

As you know on Thursday Callum was not feeling well as he vomited three times with me, I then found out that he had diarrhea yesterday morning.

I got up yesterday morning to shower and prepare to go to my aqua aerobics class - except while in the shower I felt nauseous.  I still went ahead and got dressed for the gym, made my breakfast and then realized that if I was in an upright position I was extremely nauseous.  Decision made - not going to the gym.

I found out early in the morning that whatever Callum had now Gerard and Carrie were also suffering from it.  Each of us was staying home close to our respective bathrooms.

Later that morning I experienced both of Callum's symptoms - I treated myself like I did him having just lemonade or water to drink - resting and hoping that this would only last for 24 hours.

My biggest surprise was how weak I felt - and that all I wanted to do was lie down so that my stomach would not hurt.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Let the Games Begin

Last night the 2014 Winter Olympics began - and like many I am hoping that these Olympics are safe and uneventful.

I love watching the games, the athletes, learning more about the country, culture and people of the host country; but, never have I been as concerned as this year regarding the safety of the athletes and all the visitors.

I am unsure why anyone has to take this event to make a statement; or, honestly anytime to make a statement.  We should all take a page out of the Olympics and get along - is that too much to ask?

Friday, February 7, 2014

I Hate Being Sick

I always know when I am going to get sick and I could feel it coming on Sunday night, that slight scratch in your throat, a small sniffle.

Once I feel it coming on I start to take Contact to see if I can stop the cold. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky this time and the pressure on my sinuses is not good.  Yesterday was not a good day not only was I dealing with a cold; but, it seems that Callum has come down with some kind of stomach virus.  He threw up in the morning.  He is always so apologetic when it is not his fault that he is ill.

He was then his happy go luck self; except he threw up two more times in the early afternoon.  He would not eat any food and the only thing he could keep down was water or lemonade.  Later I could tell he was running a small fever and he fell asleep when his father arrived to take him home.

There appears to be something going around and I feel awful when I see Callum gets sick like that.  I am hoping that I will be fine and so will he by the weekend.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Removing the Ice

I know that I am going to regret not having cleaned the car off yesterday.  

I ended up with a foot of snow - but, when I woke up in the morning I already had 8 inches, could barely open the storm door to get the newspapers and could here the ice pelting the windows.  In fact, when I walked down the steps to the main floor I couldn't figure out what the noise was at first.

Everything in my neighborhood as of 6PM last night was pure ice.  I gingerly walked out the door to take out the garbage and pick up the mail.  As a result of that my car tomorrow will be encased in ice for me to chisel off.

I will take it slow - there is no where I need to be - so I can just let this melt until the next bit of snow which is now scheduled for Saturday and Monday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

That's Why I Leave at 6AM

Yesterday I decided that I was going to leave a little later than normal as I really didn't want to drive in the dark - what a mistake.

When I leave the house at 6AM I am generally in the office by 7:15 including having picked up my latte at Starbuck's.  Since we had over 9 inches of snow I decided that I would prefer to leave a little later when the sun was up so that I could see the road as I drove.

Well having left at 6:50AM - I didn't get into the office until 9:30.  Guess I won't be doing that again.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Trifecta

It is hard to believe that on Super Bowl Sunday the temperature in the New York/New Jersey area was in the 50's and Joe Namath complained while wearing his fur coat that he expected it to be colder.

In a matter of hours we are now enduring a snow storm that will leave approximately 8 inches and that wreaked havoc with not only the morning commute; but, also the evening commute.  If that isn't enough we are due to have snow, sleet and rain from Tuesday evening until Wednesday morning and then another snowstorm over the weekend that could leave us with a couple of feet of snow.

I know that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted another 6 weeks of winter; but, we would have been okay with him spreading it out and not delivering it all at once.

Monday, February 3, 2014

I Wonder How???

Do you ever wonder how children learn things?  This weekend Callum had me questioning that.

He kept talking about bowling - and wanting to go to the bowling alley.  I don't even know how he knows about this sport or the alley as we have never taken him bowling, we don't watch it on TV nor have we spoken about it.

Wouldn't you know that yesterday morning, "CBS Sunday Morning" had a vignette on bowling and there was Callum watching it and talking about the pins going down and that there were 10 of them.  How did he learn that?  To know that they are called pins and that the goal is to get all 10 of them down?

I am always amazed at his intelligence and how quickly he grasps everything.  He is truly a sponge that soaks up much knowledge.

The other thing that is great is that he listens to how you say a word and will continue to repeat it until he has it right.  I hope his love of learning will go on for many years; if not, his entire life.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Time with my Little Man

Whenever we have a family dinner I need to work it so that Callum can have his "sleepy over".

Yesterday after his parents and brother left he was spending the night with me.  He loves his routines and it included his taking a bubble bath and putting on his snowman pajamas and reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom - a book he knows by hard.

Today we will go get gas in the car, stop by Barnes & Noble where he will play with the Thomas train set they have up and he will choose an adult book which I will put back and not buy.  We also have to go to the grocery store - I always make sure that there are a few things that I have to pick up because he loves this trip.  He will sit in a shopping cart and I will give him "spins".

This little boy has made me realize what is important in the world - he keeps me grounded, young and I now know what unconditional love is.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Celebrating a Day Early

Although the Super Bowl is not until Sunday, I will be making all the foods we would eat on Sunday today.

We are celebrating a birthday today so I thought it would be the perfect time to go ahead and cook some Super Bowl food.  The birthday girl is a vegetarian so I have a salad that I will make for her; but, as appetizers I have cheese and pepperoni, guacamole and chips and I will make beef nachos.

For dinner I have decided to make chicken wings (my first time), pigs in the blanket and I will make meatballs that I will then put on a pizza.  It is all fun food that I hope my family will enjoy.  I am sure there will be plenty of leftovers for them to take home tonight.

Lastly, there will be a red velvet cake for dessert - I was going to make something else; but, I think this will be good.  Besides, Callum is spending the night and on Sunday morning we will make cheese Danish - his favorite.