Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Halloween

Today is Halloween and my day is not going to go the way I originally planned.

I generally work from home on Thursdays, but, I need to go into the Long Island office for a presentation that we are doing to our Vice President.  The meeting is at 10AM and will last for about an hour - I will leave after the meeting and head home.

BUT, I won't be going directly home as I need to drop off a chef's costume at my nephew Gerard's home for Ryan.  Ryan was offered my chef's outfit several weeks ago and had decided that he did not want to dress up.  Yesterday on the way home from school he decided that he wanted to now put on a costume and "trick or treat".

I should be home by 1PM and I can get my candy ready for the over 100 children who will stop by my home.  I will also quickly tonight change out all the Halloween decorations and put out the Thanksgiving ones.

Quick switch out from one holiday to the next!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What the HECK???!!!?

Yesterday morning it took me an hour and a half to get to work and it had nothing to do with the time I left.

The first thing was that the ramp I normally take was closed for construction, so since I had my GPS on I thought no problem I will just follow it.  I did running into construction lights and trucks at 6 in the morning - only to end up back at the intersection to my house. I finally took an old route to get on to the Taconic.

Next, it was traffic slow down on the Sprain Parkway because a car had been pulled over by a policeman - really is that all that important on the way to work?

Next it was the Throgs Neck Bridge and the fact that at 7:10 in the morning they had still not removed the cones from the evening's construction work.  Explain this - you know what time rush hour begins in New York City - 5AM and two hours later you haven't cleaned up??!!

So I finally made it into the office for 7:30 - still the second person in - plenty of time to settle in before my staff meeting at 8AM; but, not how I like to start my day.

I will try to take this in stride - I know they are only trying to get the roads in good shape before the winter arrives.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Yes, I am channeling the song, "A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That" from Fiddler on the Roof because that is how this day has been.

I got a lot accomplished today - personal and professional; but, it was all a little disjointed.  From paying bills, getting the car washed and a manicure to writing a job description, putting together a powerpoint presentation and culling through 600 names to get it down to just the Clinicians.

But it has been a good balance of work and home - so it has been this and that.

Monday, October 28, 2013

What A Difference A Year Makes

Have you reviewed what you were doing last year at this time?  We were all preparing ourselves for Hurricane Sandy.

Can you believe that one year ago each of us was loading up on water, flashlights and batteries preparing for the storm.  The stores had no batteries or generators left; and, in some instances so was the water gone.

Most of us fared well and we were inconvenienced for a couple of days to a couple of weeks with no electricity.  Some of you underwent major flood damage but are back to having your homes back to normal - and then there are some areas that are still struggling.

When something this major happens we hope that we have learned and are prepared for the next time.

But, like most of us are thinking - was that just a year ago?!?!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Christmas Came Early

Christmas has come early to my house - I started yesterday.

My friend Catherine and I celebrated Christmas by going into the city and seeing the Broadway show, "After Midnight" and then we had our favorite dinner Alaskan King Crab Legs at City Lobster and Steak.

Many of you must think that we are crazy - Halloween isn't even here yet and we are celebrating Christmas?!?  Our thoughts were that it gets crazy to try to see each other in December with family and professional obligations.  We have met in the past right after New Years and the weather has been cold and awful.  

So our thought was why not do it before our calendars become frenetic, the city gets crazy with the tons of people touring and the weather becomes unbearable.  As always we had a great time and this is not being held over our conscious as to when we will get together.

The holidays should be enjoyable - my thoughts are do whatever you can to make that come true.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Halloween is 5 days away and I have completed my Christmas shopping - YEAH!!!

I was actually concerned that this year I would not get my shopping done early; but, recently I was told what folks needed and just started ordering things.  It also helps that this year I have reduced my Christmas list.  

A couple of my friends and I have decided that we will no longer exchange Christmas gifts; but, instead would go into the city, see a show and either have lunch or dinner.  I am doing that today - seeing "After Midnight" and then having dinner at City Lobster and Steak.

I can now enter the holiday season stress free; okay on Sunday I do have to buy my Halloween candy.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Staying Warm

Have you felt the change in the weather?  It seems to have gotten cold just overnight, literally!!!

Yesterday was the first day that I felt how cold it was - and it was time to put on the heater.  It is time to put all the capri pants away and to just live in long pants and sweaters.

I had put on a fleece lined jacket to go to they gym - but, I forgot to put on a scarf, I won't do that in the future.

I am looking forward to getting under the comforter this evening and being nice and warm.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How Do I Know?

My left big toe has been bothering me for the last few days - I don't think I broke it, but how would I know?

I felt the discomfort on Sunday before I took my Zumba class; the only thing I had done the day before was an aqua aerobics class and I do not remember dropping anything on that toe or stubbing it on furniture.

It hurts more when I wear heels which I have done the last two days to go to work. Tuesday was not so bad because I drive to the office and I tried not to bend my toes as I walked.  Yesterday I was not as lucky in that I was in Manhattan which means walking 12 blocks from the station to the office with a 20 pound briefcase.  I felt myself limping a little as I tried not to bend my toes.

I really think my foot is still reacting to the heels I wore last week and my very fast walking in them.  There is no need for me to wear any heels for the next few days so I am hoping that it will help.

I do think it is just strained as there is no discoloration - okay now I know I am trying to make myself feel better.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

53 Miles of Different Weather

My drive each way to and from work is 53 miles; from the Hudson Valley to the beginnings of Long Island.

Yesterday on my way home the sky was darkening and just before I was on the Throgs Neck Bridge I went through 5 minutes of rain.  Just as soon as it started - it stopped.  As I crossed over the bridge and into Westchester County the sun was out and the sky was a beautiful blue.

I looked at the mountains with the vibrant colors of orange, red, gold, yellow and still some green.  I focused on how the weather can change in 53 miles or an hour drive - from damp, gloomy and overcast to sunny, clear and sparkling.

Mother Nature is always a wondrous site - I am glad that every now and then she makes me stop to catch her attention.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On Goes the Heat

Last night I turned on the heater - it is the first time for the season and will now probably stay on throughout.

I have it on a timer so if it isn't cold enough it will not go on - but, at least if the temperature drops considerably like it should tonight I won't wake up in a cold room.  It is funny how quickly the weather can change and I am ready for it with my down blanket and the comforter on my bed.

Although most people like it to be cool to sleep I actually cannot sleep unless I am warm so I snuggle deep into the covers.

Whatever your sleep style - I hope you are prepared for the weather change.

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Halloween Family Outing

Four years ago we went to the Great Pumpkin Blaze an Van Cortlandt Manor in Croton-on-Hudson, Callum was a baby then - we went again last night.

I like doing things that mark the season, can become a tradition and will form family memories - so I had bought tickets for us to go to the Great Pumpkin Blaze.  Tere are over 5000 pumpkins that have been carved and which have candles lit in them so that they "blaze" all night.

We had a wonderful evening - it did not rain; although we did have to put on jackets and scarves as the temperature has begun to drop and it is getting chillier at night.  It was a great opportunity for the boys to get some hot chocolate and a cookie.

This event is quite popular in the Hudson Valley, you can only purchase tickets on line and you need to be quick about it.   When I had discussed it with Gerard - two hours later when we had made a decision the original date and time we wanted was gone.

In the future, I would like to try some of the events in Sleepy Hollow - if you live nearby I wold recommend coming to the Hudson Valley area and enjoying our various events.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

In the Nick of Time

It appears that I managed to organize my drawers and closets right in the nick of time!

The temperature is supposed to drop by 10 degrees in the next few days - it will definitely feel like autumn as the high on Wednesday is only supposed to be 57.

Between Friday evening and Saturday afternoon I changed all the clothes and shoes from spring/summer to fall/winter.  I purged some items and noticed that the only thing I needed to purchase was two pairs of navy blue slacks to go with two different boucle plaid blazers.

Everything is nicely folded in the drawers and nicely lined up in the closet by color.  I am ready for the season - coats are also ready; as well as, scarves.  Generally, when I drive into the office I do not wear a coat as I am only going from the house to the car - from the car to the office, etc.  But, since I now go into Manhattan on Wednesdays I will need to wear a coat to walk the 12 blocks from the train station to the office.

The season has truly arrived - look at all the vibrant colors - just don't let the cold catch you - have your clothes ready.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Final Nail of the Week

FINALLY Friday arrived; but, it was not an error free day like I wanted.

All of a sudden right after lunch and just before my afternoon full of conference calls my computer started running slowly.  I was having problems with email, so I did a restart. That didn't work - did it again - still no luck so I decided to call the Help Desk.

On the telephone with the Help Desk and they want to remote into my computer - fine gave him my laptop name - okay one problem cannot get on to the internet via Explorer. Once more I am to re-boot my system, this takes about 7 minutes since my computer is extremely slow.  Done, now can he remote in - once more cannot get Explorer to work. He asks me to re-boot again and call back when that is completed.

Called back into the Help Desk, they try to remote in a different way, doesn't work - they help me clear my cookies and try to remote in again - no luck.  I am now told that I most likely have a corrupted file that is not letting me get into my Outlook.  

I used web mail for the rest of the day - I will do so again on Monday and on Tuesday morning as soon as I get into the office at 7AM I will be calling the Help Desk to have them fix my computer.

Is this week OVER????  Can I have some good karma now for next week, please??!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Where is Friday????

I have never been one of those individuals who wants a day or week to go faster - but, I need it this week.

By now you know that Monday began with Callum throwing up and the powder room toilet overflowing.  On Tuesday I woke up with a cold, on Wednesday my meetings were constantly changing and I didn't make it to an event until the social hour.

Now Thursday, I wake up to begin working from home and cannot understand why I am unable to connect to any internet sites.  I re-boot my computer, change my wireless connection and try my personal computer.  I decide to pick up my land line handset and realize I have no dial tone - aha - internet access issues.

From my cellphone I contact Optimum who confirms that it might be a modem issue; they will have someone come by today; but, the window is from 10AM to 8PM.  Quite a long window.  Well despite my week some things are going my way in that the technician arrive just before 10AM and had me up and running with a new modem by 10:45 in time for the 11:30 meeting that I was hosting.

As you read this it is Friday and I hope that it is an uneventful day for you; and, especially for ME!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Keeping Track

I am trying to stay on top of things - but, lately I feel as if I am losing the battle.

We are extremely busy and I am daily receiving things to do that need to fit into my already planned day.  It isn't always easy and I find myself putting off some items and thinking that I will do them on the weekend.

But, then I am missing my down time over the weekend.  I am hoping that as we make some decisions in the next few weeks that I will not feel this anxiety as if I am losing control.

Only time will tell and in the meantime, I will continue to breathe.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Cold - Really??!!?

On Monday afternoon I had started to not feel well - I was sneezing and my nose was running.  A cold - it couldn't be.

On Monday evening I took a Contact Cold & Flu because I really was feeling badly and I couldn't seem to stop the sneezing and my nose from running.  I didn't sleep well and I was awake since 4AM.  By 4:45 I decided to just get up and get ready for work - so in the shower and I am still sneezing, runny nose and my head aches from my sinuses being inflamed.

I decided that since I only had two conference calls that I would work remotely and I logged on before 6AM and sent a message to my team, colleagues and boss that I was not well and would work remotely.  And work I did.  I ended up attending 5 conference calls and reading 8 RFPs.

I am still taking my Contact Cold & Flu medication and will be in the office tomorrow.  I am hoping that this does not linger for much longer.

Isn't it a little early in the season to be sporting a cold???

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Maybe I Should Have Gone to Work

I took yesterday off to spend time with Callum - that time was Good, it was the rest of the day that was Bad.

Just small things like Callum throwing up, there were good and bad aspects, he hit the floor, not the rug - Good.  I had other clothes to put on him - Good.  I was doing laundry at the time, so I was able to throw his dirty clothes in the wash - Good.  Not sure what causes this to happen to him - Bad.

Next as I went to the bathroom, it started to overflow - Bad.  I used up a whole roll of paper towels, the mop broke as I went to use it - Bad.  The plunger was useless - Bad. Found another mop and I was able to clean up all the water - Good.  Got a hold of Roto-Rooter and they would be at the house no later than 3PM, it was now 12 noon - Good
Also I have two other bathrooms - Good.  Roto-Rooter was able to fix the toilet - Good. Cost me $250 - Bad; and I will eventually need to replace the toilet - Bad.

Lastly, started sneezing and my nose is running - Bad.  Can feel a cold coming on as my head is now bothering me too - Bad.  Found my Contact Cold & Flu and have started drinking them - Good.  Three hours later and I am not feeling any relief yet - Bad.

Luckily this day only has 8 more hours left - Good.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tonight I Hope for More Sleep

I have some concerns that Callum asked for a bath at 2 yesterday afternoon - I made him wait until 4:30 and then after his bath he asked me to put my pajamas on and let's go to bed.

I made him understand that it was still light outside and too early to go to bed. Unfortunately, he woke up at 4AM on Sunday morning and didn't go back to sleep until 6; then he was up for good right after 7.

I think he is probably tired but if he falls asleep much before 8PM, I will be up again tomorrow bright and early.  He is watching "Max & Ruby" on my computer while he eats a corn muffin and has some limeade - he is laughing an awful lot so I know that he is tired and being very silly.

I know he has had a good weekend and we have had some great time this weekend going over monsters, ghost bunnies and the big, bad wolf.  I have also learned the new way that they teach children their A, B, C's as he has been singing it all weekend long.

Hopefully when he goes home tomorrow it is with not just clean clothes, but, some more Titti Toni memories.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Winterizing the Patio

Yesterday was a beautiful day and Callum had me out the door at 8AM.

He decided that he wanted a muffin for breakfast from the bakery so that was our first stop for the day.

After having my breakfast and getting a chance to read the newspapers, we got the dishes washed and the house in order so that we could do our errands; the cleaners, the bookstore (where Callum got a chocolate cupcake to take home) and the grocery store.

We put the groceries away and Callum had lunch and decided that he wanted to go to the bakery again.  We went off to the bakery - I picked up a muffin for tomorrow; but, he didn't want anything else.  

Upon coming home we went out to the patio and disconnected the garden hose, took the patio cushions off, put them away and covered the patio furniture.  I would much rather do it while it was a nice day then wait until it gets cold and raw to take care of it.  Of course, it was a bit challenging as Callum kept going under each cover stating that it was a tent.

We have our day for tomorrow planned out - the grocery store is a daily visit with him and truth be told I forgot a couple of things (need to make that list) and we will go get some Mums and a pumpkin to place on the front steps.

There is no way that we cannot be in the car driving around the community.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Weekend Date

Last night I started my weekend long date with my great-nephew, Callum.  

Both he and I are very pleased that he is spending the weekend - the last couple of times he has been over it has only been for dinner and then when he has had to leave he was very upset, crying, screaming and holding on to anything so he didn't have to get in the car.  It breaks my heart and leaves me upset when that happens.

Since he doesn't have school on Monday, Columbus Day he will stay until then.  He is now eating pizza and I have stocked my freezer with it, he also likes turkey meatballs so that was dinner last night with spaghetti, garlic bread and a huge salad.  And I baked a cake.

Over the weekend we will go to the bookstore, the grocery store and a couple of other errands.  I am hoping that the weather will hold out and we can put away the cushions and cover the patio furniture.

I am so looking forward to spending all this time with him!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

It Has Gotten Chilly

I think we can say good bye to the high 70's/low 80's weather for the rest of the year.

It is time to change the clothes in my closets and drawers and to pull out the long sleeve shirts, heavier suits, jackets and time to get rid of the shorty pajamas.  It is time for my long nightgowns - to take out the fleece and the socks and my UGG slippers.

I put the down comforter on the bed yesterday and I had to turn the "heat" setting on the thermostat.  As the days have been overcast, the skies have been threatening to rain and it has been windy it is time to find ways to stay warm.

Have you prepared yourself for the chill?  Don't wait too long!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Have I Seen It All????

I thought I had seen it all - but, I guess not.

Today as I was walking from Grand Central to our offices in New York City - a 12 block walk I am used to seeing people reading messages on their smart phones.  I have been known to walk around them, have to stop before they run into me; and, at times notice how oblivious they are to the world around them.

However, I think today took the cake - as I was 8 blocks into my walk I see a woman walking towards me who is not reading messages on her smartphone; but, is reading on her Kindle.  Now I have been known to not want to put a book down and staying up most of the night reading.  BUT, I have never read a book as I am walking down a New York City street during the morning rush hour.

I really have to begin to wonder if we have become an unsociable society - we cannot interact with others unless it is through a device.  Our lives seem to be determined and managed by technology.

Don't let that happen to you, raise your head and look straight ahead - you never know what you will see, who you will meet or what opportunities are ahead.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Autumnal Storm

Have you ever noticed that we need a storm to have the weather change?

Yesterday out of nowhere a major storm came and did tremendous damage to some areas; but, others of us just weathered dark clouds, wind and driving rain.  But, what it did do was change the weather.

We have been enjoying temperatures in the high 70's and teasing the 80's and now it becomes more temperate with the weather only in the 60's during the day.

I have noticed over the past years that once we have that major storm - the weather becomes cooler.

Now it is officially autumn.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Time to Review and Update

Very often we fail to think about updating the beneficiaries on our will, insurance policies or bank accounts.  

Why not use this time of year - when you are selecting your medical benefits to review all this paperwork and update it.  Or if any changes have occurred in your life like marital status or purchase of any large asset like a home.

I have not updated my will since 2006 - yesterday as I took a day off this was my focus, to have a new will drawn up and to have a trust executed.  Next I will be contacting my bank and insurance agents to update the beneficiaries of my accounts.

I am not ill and I don't expect to die anytime soon; but, it is always in our best interest to take care of these things and not leave any issues for our families.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Only Myself to Blame

I certainly deserve to give myself a swift kick in the butt!!!

Yesterday after Zumba class and having coffee with Linda, I went off to run my errands. To the cleaners to give them back a blouse I had picked up the day before that still had the two stains on it that I had pointed out to them, then to Best Buy to buy Ryan another charger and USB cord for his mini iPad; and, lastly to the grocery store.

At the grocery store I stopped by the bank and purchased a $10 roll of quarters - I need them for when I park at the train station on Wednesdays.  I was carrying my wallet, cell phone, keys and the quarters - I throw everything into the basket, pick up the rest of the items I need and then head to self checkout.  That is where the incident occurred.  I put everything on the counter, check my items and to to bag them and a woman starts checking out even though I have not finished.  I throw everything into the bag (or so I thought) and head home.

I unpack, put things in the refrigerator, go to have lunch and I realize I don't have my roll of quarters.  Head back to the grocery store where I look at where I checked out, no quarters, I ask the girl who is bagging if anyone turned in a roll of quarters and she states not to her - check with customer service.  I ask customer service and their response is NO.  Clearly someone picked them up - I hope you are making good use of them.

My pet peeve and I hope that people would learn is if you are in self checkout, let the person in front of you bag their items and walk away before you start checking out. Nothing is that urgent.

I am glad it was only $10 - I hope you enjoyed it; and, at least pass it forward.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Different Kind of Saturday

It is rare that my Saturday's are relaxing or full of nothing to do.  But, that is the way yesterday was.

I generally am up by 6:30 on Saturday and off to the gym by 8; it is rare that I am home before 1PM as I am running around town doing various errands whether it is the cleaners, the bank, post office and the grocery store.  

This Saturday my boyfriend was coming over in the morning which meant that I would not go to the gym - I didn't set the alarm - a first and got up at 7:30.  I had a leisurely breakfast while I watched the news and read the newspapers.  It was great to spend the morning and early afternoon together.

When I did go out - it was only for an hour to the bank, cleaners and one store. Tomorrow I will be up with the alarm, will go to the gym and then do a couple of errands - the routine will begin again.

I have enjoyed the slow day - they don't happen often - I generally feel guilty; BUT, not this time. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

They Are Turning, Albeit - Slowly

If you live in the Northeast this is one of the prettiest times of the year as you see the leaves change colors.

This year as we have had a warm September and are enjoying the beginnings of October also being warm it is taking longer for the leaves to turn colors.  As I drive through my community the majority of the trees are still green and have all their leaves - there are a few trees who have some color - one in particular as I round the corner is totally a bright auburn.

Generally the mountains would also have shades of yellow, orange and rust - but they are still for the most part green.  I am fine with the weather remaining temperate for several more weeks.  I don't think that it will have an effect on the trees if we postpone the chilly weather.

Go out - take a walk through the woods and marvel at the colors of nature.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Loving My Hair Stylist

After 40 something years I have finally found a hair stylist that I like and who gives me a good haircut and color!!!

I know that I am no different than many; if not, all of you.  We have gone through many hairstylists and paid exorbitant amounts of money on our hair for color and style.  Because I like to keep my hair short I usually have to cut my hair every 5 to 6 weeks - that can get pretty expensive.

I now have a hair stylist who I only need to see every 8 weeks - she has managed to cut and style my hair so that it is still manageable as it grows out.  Although I am in her chair for an hour as she meticulously cuts every small amount and I become antsy because I was used to it only taking 30 minutes I am thankful when it is week 7 and week 8.

I think I can speak for each of us when I say that a good hair stylist is worth every piece of hair on our heads.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Successfully Balanced Work & Life

There are not many days that I feel that I can successfully balance work and life; generally, work wins - but, yesterday I managed to do it.

I was able to work from home yesterday and attend several meetings via collaboration, take my compliance training and pass with a 90 and edit many documents.  It was a full and rewarding work day.

On the home front I was able to do a load of laundry, pull some paper work together to have my will updated, trim the front yard bushes and water the plants.  Those were things that needed to be done; but, which I had not been able to focus on.

I consistently strive for the productiveness and the balance - some times it works, sometimes it doesn't - yesterday it WORKED.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Five Offices in Eight Hours - OH MY!!!

Yesterday my meetings began at 9AM and ended at 4:15PM - but, they were not all in one office.

I made my way throughout Manhattan and was on time for every meeting except the last; but, I had a good excuse.  Arriving at Grand Central I went to our offices on East 54th Street and Lexington, then to a mock up at our MEETH offices on 64th St. between 2nd and 3rd Avenues - while there I received a call saying that we needed to support an Executive meeting at our NYC offices.

Next it was to Lenox Hill Hospital to do site survey - that went well, now off to our Executive offices.  While there I was even able to pick up a salad for lunch.  We reviewed the presentation for the Executive meeting - set up the facility for a meeting at 2PM and then headed off to Cisco offices at 1 Penn Plaza.  That was the last meeting for my day and I took the 5:32 train home from Grand Central.

Again five offices in less than eight hours - I think that is a new record!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Last Day of September

Yesterday was the last day of September - do you realize that in 3 months it will be a New Year?!?!!

Between conference calls, emails and presentations I put out the Halloween decor; when Ryan and Callum come over for Columbus day they will see it.  Gerard came by yesterday morning to pick up the potato bread that I had bought for Callum and to do laundry.  We actually talked about what to buy the boys for Christmas.  Ryan is done - as he gets older it is easier; Callum is the one who is more difficult in that he does not really get excited about anything.

Somehow I will figure it out; but, as I like to do my shopping early I need to get on it very soon.  It has become easier with friends as now we make arrangements to go into the city, catch a Broadway show and have either lunch or dinner and catch up.  I appreciate the time spent together.

I am enjoying these first few weeks of Autumn and hope you are too - before we know it they will be gone.