Friday, August 23, 2013

The Neverending Cleaning

I find that when I have Callum I am always cleaning.
I am not one of those individuals who cannot leave or have the house messy or things hanging around; so, needless to say that several times a day I am on my hands and knees picking up blocks and putting them in the box.  Taking out the portable vacuum cleaner and vacuuming the floor and the leather loveseat to get rid of cereal and bread crumbs.
The good thing is that Callum understands that we leave the living room and kitchen clean every evening so he helps put away his 100+ blocks (Okay, what was I thinking when I bought those?) and his trains.
In the morning he knows we need to make the bed and put the throw pillows on the bed.
The other is the amount of garbage that can be generated by a 5 year old; but, he gives me my exercise on the days he is here.

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