Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On a Mission

Today I am in Manhattan for a couple of meetings.  Most Wednesdays I now come into NYC to participate in a weekly New York project meeting status; but, today I also have a vendor meeting.
That isn’t the important part of my day – my mission today is to procure two tickets to see “Motown the Musical”.  Once my meeting is over at 1 Penn Plaza at 2PM – I will make my way to the Lunt-Fontanne theatre and see if I can get 2 tickets for the matinee show on either September 7th or October 19th.  I have had much better luck obtaining theatre tickets lately by just going to the box office.
This is my best friend and my birthday celebration – we take a couple of hours to sit down, have lunch and catch up on each other’s lives and then we see a very upbeat musical together.
I cherish our twice a year outing and I am bound and determined to be successful in getting these tickets.

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