Friday, August 16, 2013

A Small Victory

Yesterday was Callum’s 5th birthday.
There were certain things I needed to get at the grocery store for his birthday party this evening and I also wanted to take him to Barnes & Noble to get his birthday cupcake.  I was a little concerned because when he is with me he doesn’t like to get dressed or go outside – he thinks I am taking him home.
But, yesterday was different – it began with him taking a bubble bath on Wednesday evening – another first at my house and then he let me put pajamas on him.
Yesterday morning he let me take his pajamas off and put clothes on.  After breakfast and his watching some shows I was able to coax him into the car and go to the bank and Barnes & Noble where he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday chocolate cupcake.  After that we went to the grocery store to pick up chips, pretzels, lemonade and some other items for his birthday party.  But I also picked up two chocolate chip muffins for him.
When we got back in the car his comment was, “go back to my house”.  I found it funny that he now considers it his.
Small victory with Callum and we take all of them – he is becoming a big boy.

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