Saturday, August 31, 2013

Splitting Up

Friday at Disney World and we decided that today might be a good day to split up.
We started our day at the Magic Kingdom to do those rides we didn’t get to the other day.  To our dismay the Jungle Cruise is down as they are sending the hippopotamus to anger management school.  So we went on “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Aladdin’s Carpet Ride” again – this time Callum really enjoyed them as he had been on them before.
We decided that after our sit down lunch I would bring Callum back to the room and Gerard would go with Ryan on the rides I wouldn’t do; i.e., roller coasters – then they would head off to Epcot Center.
In the evening we would meet up at the Magic Kingdom for dinner and to let Callum see the fireworks one more time. 
His highlights have been the fireworks and riding the bus.  He is easily entertained.

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