Saturday, August 31, 2013

Last Day at Disney

It is Saturday – our last day at Disney World.
We decided to take it a little easy this morning and slept in (8:30) and had room service for breakfast.  We also packed so that there would be less to do tonight as we must be on the Disney Magic at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
Today we decided we would go to Hollywood Studios for lunch at the 50’s Prime Time Café and then to Magic Kingdom.  After walking around a little bit, Gerard and Ryan going on the Aerosmith roller coaster ride – we had lunch and then left the park.
We will leave after 6PM to go to Magic Kingdom, grab dinner, some rides and then stay for the fireworks.
Although the time has seemed short – we did get a lot of things done.

Splitting Up

Friday at Disney World and we decided that today might be a good day to split up.
We started our day at the Magic Kingdom to do those rides we didn’t get to the other day.  To our dismay the Jungle Cruise is down as they are sending the hippopotamus to anger management school.  So we went on “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Aladdin’s Carpet Ride” again – this time Callum really enjoyed them as he had been on them before.
We decided that after our sit down lunch I would bring Callum back to the room and Gerard would go with Ryan on the rides I wouldn’t do; i.e., roller coasters – then they would head off to Epcot Center.
In the evening we would meet up at the Magic Kingdom for dinner and to let Callum see the fireworks one more time. 
His highlights have been the fireworks and riding the bus.  He is easily entertained.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Epcot Center

Thursday and it was time for Epcot Center.  First stop Spaceship Earth as it is right there when you walk in. 
Do you remember this being sponsored by AT&T??  Well, it isn’t anymore – it is now sponsored by Siemens.
We had a nice breakfast at the Land and then did their boat ride and Soarin’ – for both rides Callum originally was upset; but, then once it started it went well.
It was a hot day and we made our way through half of the showcase before walking through the pavilions.  We made a great tour of Germany and England – dinner will be at France since Ryan wants to have duck.
The evening will end with the Illuminations show and fireworks.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Magic Kingdom

Wednesday found us at the Magic Kingdom.  This was planned more for Callum than Ryan; but, guess who had the more enjoyable time??!!
It was interesting to see how much of the Magic Kingdom has changed – there is no longer a Toon Town and gone is 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.  We instead did some new rides and had lunch with Pooh and his friends.
Today we rested and went back to the park for dinner and some rides, Aladdin and Pirates of the Caribbean before heading to Main Street for the fireworks display.  We felt bad because Callum wanted to see the fireworks and he fell asleep while Ryan was on Aladdin.
He must have an internal clock for as we said, ‘okay let’s head back to the room’ – he woke up and enjoyed the spectacular fireworks show.
Thursday morning his words were, “fireworks please” – we will eat at Epcot Center and see their fireworks instead.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hollywood Studios - Wasn't it MGM Studios?

Tuesday found us at Hollywood Studios – can anyone tell me when it became that?  I remember it as MGM Studios.
Of all of us Ryan had the most fun – the first thing he did even before having breakfast was ride the Tower of Terror – by himself – he loved it!!!
The rest of us just waited for him to come out – then we could have breakfast.  I was surprised that Callum enjoyed the Walt Disney exhibit and spent the whole time looking at it while Ryan and I went to the documentary.
We were out for a total of 11 hours today – including dinner at Raglan’s – an Irish pub where they played music and did Celtic dancing.  Callum was absolutely fascinated with the dancing; but, when asked would not go up on stage to dance.
Wednesday we go to the Magic Kingdom – who knows what our day will be like?!?!?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Animal Kingdom

Monday – our first full day at Disneyworld and we opted to go to Animal Kingdom.  We felt that Callum would enjoy the animals and we could acclimate him to how things worked at Disneyworld.
We started early since the park opened at 8 – by 2PM we were done and heading back to our villa to relax before getting ready for dinner.  Callum chose not to go on any of the rides – while Ryan had no problems going on all the scary rides by himself.
It was wonderful to learn about all the animals and to watch the boys enjoy learning.  We had dinner at Bongo’s and it appears that everyone enjoyed the meal.
By 8:30 we were all ready to be tucked into bed.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Our Venture Today - The Disney Marketplace

We are here at Kidani Village at Animal Kingdom and we are right where we can see African deer, giraffe, zebras, ostrich and some animal we cannot even name.
For the most part Callum adapted well to the car service, going into the airport, the plane and the bus to the villa.  He actually fell asleep on the plane for about an hour and when we landed couldn’t understand why his father just couldn’t “push” the other people so that we could get off the plane.
We had already stated we would take it easy and when we arrived we went ahead and just went and ate at the T-Rex restaurant in downtown Disney.  We walked around and each of the boys got something to eat.
It was then back to the villa to relax and unpack as tomorrow we will go to Animal Kingdom and then to Bongo’s for dinner.
I am trying to plan each day so that we manage to do everything and not tax ourselves too badly.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Just Waiting for the Alarm

Well the bags are all packed and lined in the foyer.  The house is prepared to be left alone for a week – the only thing left is for the alarm to go off in the morning.
I am hoping that Callum wakes up happy like he normally does although it is earlier than normal – the car service is picking us up at 6:30 and I am going to have his sippy cup full of orange so that he can drink it in the car.
We will make this an adventure and I am hoping that my iPad and the portable DVD player with his two favorite DVDs (Thomas the Tank Engine and Kai-Lan) will keep him entertained. Since his father will be there it should go easier than if it was just me with him. 
Here is to our vacation and Callum’s introduction to DisneyWorld!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's Finally Here . . . VACATION!!!

I thought the days would never come – it is finally here . . . VACATION!!!
Our flight is tomorrow morning at 9AM – so today I will take my aqua aerobics class and then get a manicure/pedicure at my salon.  I have already gone to the bank for money and to leave the cleaning lady her money as she will be at the house while I am gone.
Gerard brought the last of his clothes last night in the suitcase I had lost; but, in actuality was with Ryan – it was the suitcase I gave him to use for our Alaskan cruise.  I will finish their packing and get my carry on ready with all my gadgets for Callum, my book and our itinerary.
Looking forward to this week – I need it.  Not very often I say that.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Neverending Cleaning

I find that when I have Callum I am always cleaning.
I am not one of those individuals who cannot leave or have the house messy or things hanging around; so, needless to say that several times a day I am on my hands and knees picking up blocks and putting them in the box.  Taking out the portable vacuum cleaner and vacuuming the floor and the leather loveseat to get rid of cereal and bread crumbs.
The good thing is that Callum understands that we leave the living room and kitchen clean every evening so he helps put away his 100+ blocks (Okay, what was I thinking when I bought those?) and his trains.
In the morning he knows we need to make the bed and put the throw pillows on the bed.
The other is the amount of garbage that can be generated by a 5 year old; but, he gives me my exercise on the days he is here.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Backseat Driver

We have all been privy to backseat drivers; BUT, how about a 5 year old backseat driver??
That was Callum yesterday as we drove around town to do some errands.  He kept telling me to “watch out” and then to “stop” whenever he saw a light.  We had to go over the driving rules that Red means Stop and Green means Go.
He also knows the way to the bookstore, Barnes & Noble as he quickly walks to the café to order a chocolate cupcake.  And which way to the grocery store, Stop & Shop for us to buy various things including a peach that he will not eat.
It is great that he is now comfortable being in the car, but, it also means that he expects to go to the grocery store every day!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Late Post Due to Early to Bed

I am not sure that you all realize this; but, I write my blogs the night before and then have them post at midnight and in the morning I add them to Linkedin.
No such luck last night.  Callum was upset because his father left him – so at 6:30 he decided he wanted a bubble bath.  Well once he has his bubble bath then he wants to go to bed – that doesn’t mean he sleeps but that we are in the bedroom.
In the bedroom by 7:15 and now it is a game of cuddles, tickles, jumps and piggies (that is the “this little piggy went to market”) game.  Finally after an hour of this I have asked him to calm down and to start relaxing.  This entails rubbing his shoulders and his back.
Before I know it he is asleep and it is only 8:45 – he slept through until 7:30 this morning and I also took advantage of getting some sleep.
Last night I got a little over 8 hours – my norm is just over 5; perhaps that is why I woke up with a headache.  Can’t win!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Another Week with Callum

This evening I get Callum again for the remainder of the week.
We now have a routine and he makes it very easy to watch him – since he is so loveable.
I am glad that he will take a bath, get in the car and go to the store with me.  This enables me to get chores done and not feel as if we are confined in the house.  It is great that he is so technically savvy as all I need to do on my iPad is enter my password and he can navigate it from there.  The same with my new Lenovo laptop since it is a touch screen. 
What he hasn’t been able to master is the DVD player and the television – he still needs me to pop in his DVDs and turn on the TV for him.
He is experimenting with food and I have bread, peanut butter, cream cheese for him to see if I can get him to eat a sandwich.  I also have all the ingredients to make him chocolate chip muffins – I know he will enjoy those for breakfast.
I cherish our time together and I believe that Callum does too; given that he now calls Auntie Toni’s house – “my house”.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Vacation Packing

Although we do not leave until next Sunday for Disneyworld – I am all packed.
Not only am I all packed; but, I have also packed for Ryan, Callum and my nephew Gerard.  I am determined to only check one bag and to have out others as carry on and I will be successful.
I spent all of late Saturday afternoon and evening packing all four of us.  I was surprised at how much I was able to put in each of the suitcases given that Callum’s is a small Thomas the Tank carryon; but, it held 15 outfits, 5 shirts, a pair of pajamas and his inflatable arm bands. 
Ryan’s carryon held his 13 outfits, 4 shirts, 2 bathing suits for him, Callum’s suit and Gerard’s bathing suit and rash shirt.
My carryon will hold all my clothes – and in Gerard’s luggage will which get checked in it will hold his clothes and the boy’s shoes.
Last night I packed the toiletries – those which I will place in our carry on like some sunscreen; and those which I will put in Gerard’s bag to get checked in.
We have already decided that on Sunday when we arrive we will just relax by the pool and I think we will go to Downtown Disney and eat at the Rainforest Café; my thoughts are that Callum will really enjoy that.
Well only 6 more days to go!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Remembering Mom

Yesterday was my Mom’s birthday – she would have been 78.
Pretty much there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my Mother – the month of August is tough because we shared it as a birthday month with Mommy being just 20 years older than me.
I realize that as I get older I am more and more like her.  I take pride in my home, my work and what I can do for family.  I have a reverence for education and a love of books – all things instilled in me by my Mother.
My Mom always ensured that we were dressed properly and looked extremely presentable – something I also do with Ryan and Callum.  She put her family first – and I do too.
All that is good in me is because of my Mom.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Time Management

I feel I should be crowned the “Queen of Time Management”.
Yesterday I was working remotely, had a few conference calls in the afternoon and was hosting Callum’s birthday party and there would be 13 of us.  YIKES!!!
But, Callum was cooperative and in the morning between responding to emails I was able to put out all the treats, paper products and get all of Callum’s presents.  Callum was happy to go to the bakery with me; but, first he wanted to go to the grocery store and see the peaches.  Not a problem I had picked up the wrong chips and I needed mustard for the pretzels and salad dressing.  All done with a cooperative Callum and off to the bakery.
At the bakery we picked up his birthday cake and he got a red star cookie.  After the conference calls – away goes my Cinderella castle as I don’t trust it with 4 boys under the age of 7 and instead out will go the Thomas the Train piñata.
All done, accomplished in the time allotted.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Small Victory

Yesterday was Callum’s 5th birthday.
There were certain things I needed to get at the grocery store for his birthday party this evening and I also wanted to take him to Barnes & Noble to get his birthday cupcake.  I was a little concerned because when he is with me he doesn’t like to get dressed or go outside – he thinks I am taking him home.
But, yesterday was different – it began with him taking a bubble bath on Wednesday evening – another first at my house and then he let me put pajamas on him.
Yesterday morning he let me take his pajamas off and put clothes on.  After breakfast and his watching some shows I was able to coax him into the car and go to the bank and Barnes & Noble where he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday chocolate cupcake.  After that we went to the grocery store to pick up chips, pretzels, lemonade and some other items for his birthday party.  But I also picked up two chocolate chip muffins for him.
When we got back in the car his comment was, “go back to my house”.  I found it funny that he now considers it his.
Small victory with Callum and we take all of them – he is becoming a big boy.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Green Food Coloring

Green food coloring – it could have been disastrous.
This Tuesday through Friday and the same for next week – I have Callum since his school is now closed for the remainder of the summer.  Last night as he was going to bed I had stated that I would make him banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.
In the morning he asked for Cheerios – I got the recipe for the banana chocolate chip muffins and realized that it called for sour cream.  That was not something I had in the house – I did have cream cheese and tossed in my mind whether I could substitute the cream cheese for sour cream.  I decided that I didn’t want to take the risk.  And by then Callum was asking for my cheese Danish – no problem I had all the ingredients for it.
I take everything and set it up and Callum is watching me – in go the 2 blocks of low fat cream cheese and I put in a teaspoon of vanilla – EXCEPT instead of seeing brown I see dark green.  When I look at the bottle I realize that I didn’t take the vanilla; but, the green food coloring that I had purchased to make Ryan’s mashed potatoes green for St. Patrick’s Day.
Luckily I had two more blocks of low fat cream cheese and was able to make Callum his cheese Danish.  Moral of the story – read the label before pouring in the ingredient.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Finalized Vacation Plans

Vacation is only 12 days away!!!
I needed to make some final plans with the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) and I cornered my nephew, Gerard last night to determine the final arrangements.
We need to give DVC our flight arrival and departures – no problem I have that.  Then it was the park tickets – do we get 5 days or 6 days; do we do one park per day or the park hopper – so many choices.
Lastly, it is the food plan.  Disney food can be extremely expensive so I was bound and determined to do the food plan.  The question was Callum who has only a few things he will eat.  Thankfully, Disney is very understanding. 
Arrangements all made – now the packing begins.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Your Hands - What is Their Story?

Recently I was told that I had the hands of a 17 year old.
I found that quite incredible given that I am not 58; but, I have to admit that my hands do not give away my age.  No wrinkled skin, prominent veins or age spots.  I have no idea why – it isn’t as if I necessarily pamper them.
I wash dishes by hand every day.  I garden and weed with no gloves on.  I tend to scrub my shower stall with multiple cleaners and no gloves – so given that I don’t wear gloves or use tools my hands should look a little weathered; BUT, they don’t.
I do have a weekly manicure and I have done so for over 25 years now – I don’t give them to myself but I go to a salon.  I also put hand cream on after I wash my hands – I don’t like my hands to feel rough or harsh and I feel that soap and water leave that feeling.  And I do admit that I put cuticle crème on my nails every evening.
Thanks to my genes I have young looking hands and hope to keep them that way for many years.

Monday, August 12, 2013

And the Cleaning Continues

So I am not sure what has gotten into me; but, I continue to clean and organize.
Saturday night I tackled my master bedroom linen closet and underneath the sink – these are areas that most people tend to forget about.  After a couple of hours everything was in order and I noticed that I needed to purchase toothpaste and deodorant.  On my shopping list for when I am at the grocery store.
Home from the gym and grocery shopping and I decided to tackle the main bathroom linen closet, under the sink and two of my dresser draws.  All nice and neat and the throw out pile is gone and the donate pile is in a bag to take to Goodwill.
It also gave me the opportunity to determine if I needed to purchase a new bag for our vacation to DisneyWorld or if I had one that could hold everything for the boys and myself.  I think I have one that will work – so task all done.
Maybe it is the cool weather that has me in clean up and organize mode.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Putting Things in Order

My Saturdays are fairly predictable; shower, breakfast, take aqua aerobics, have coffee with my gym friend, errands, home for lunch, read the newspapers and watch Friday night’s DVRd shows.
It is what I determine to do afterwards that I is always the dilemma especially if I am going to be home alone like yesterday.  Most times I will read, do laundry even take a nap; but, not yesterday.
I decided to clean my upper kitchen cabinets and to organize them – I know not something you would consider on a beautiful sunny day; this is more of a rainy day activity.  But, it is something that has been on my mind for a few weeks so as they say “no time like the present”.
I went through all of them, re-arranged some food, found that I have 4 bottles of vanilla, 2 jars of cinnamon and 4 cans of Pam (3 olive oil and 1 butter).  This is why I needed to clean and arrange the cabinets – otherwise I keep buying the same things.
I feel accomplished, organized and it was better than napping!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hair Cut & Color: Six Hours

A cut, color and highlights: 6 hours.
I very much enjoy going to my hairdresser; however, it is never just 30 minutes – not even for a haircut.  Well it was even worse from the time I left my home until the time I got back it was 6 hours.
My appointment was for 11:30 – well when I arrived my friend, Linda was there to get her hair cut and colored – her appointment was for 11 so I knew this was going to be long.  Since Jackie, our hairdresser decided to sit us together and do our color at the same time and we were able to just talk.
After my color I have to get highlights and then I can get my haircut.  I have short, thin hair; but, you would not know it with the time and attention that Jackie takes with it.  I don’t mind – at my age it is amazing that I do not have to color it but every 4 months.
A great hairstylist is worth their weight in gold – Jackie enables me to go anywhere from 5 to 8 weeks before my next haircut.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Write: Next Month's Message

You probably think this is the only thing I write – NOT!!!
As President of the Visual Communications Industry Group (VCI-Group) I write a monthly message to our Members.  It is not always easy to come up with what the focus will be for the month.  I try to review what we are emphasizing as a group and use that as my stepping stone.
Yesterday we had our Leadership Team meeting and from that meeting came the IDEA.  We were speaking about value – what our industry will be like in 3 to 5 years and how to stay viable in the market.  That is it!!  I know the article I will write – it will take me a few days; but, it is always the idea that is hard to nail – once I have that the words come easily.
So thank you to the other members of the LT for helping me decide on September’s President’s message.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mission: Accomplished

I told you yesterday that I was trying to get tickets to “Motown the Musical” for a joint birthday celebration.
Well - - Mission Accomplished!!!
They were not for the original dates we had agreed upon September 7th or October 19th; instead they are for November 16th.  But, guess what???  I did not pay $300 for Premium Seat tickets, we are not sitting apart nor are we in the nose bleed section.
By giving my girlfriend a call we were able to state that we could do any Saturday in November and we were able to get center orchestra seats for the normal fee.  Granted they are close to $150 each; but, that is the going rate for a successful Broadway show.
I know we will both thoroughly enjoy this – we will be dancing in our seats and after the show is over.  YEAH!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On a Mission

Today I am in Manhattan for a couple of meetings.  Most Wednesdays I now come into NYC to participate in a weekly New York project meeting status; but, today I also have a vendor meeting.
That isn’t the important part of my day – my mission today is to procure two tickets to see “Motown the Musical”.  Once my meeting is over at 1 Penn Plaza at 2PM – I will make my way to the Lunt-Fontanne theatre and see if I can get 2 tickets for the matinee show on either September 7th or October 19th.  I have had much better luck obtaining theatre tickets lately by just going to the box office.
This is my best friend and my birthday celebration – we take a couple of hours to sit down, have lunch and catch up on each other’s lives and then we see a very upbeat musical together.
I cherish our twice a year outing and I am bound and determined to be successful in getting these tickets.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's My Birthday

Today is my birthday!!!
Reflecting back on my 58 years I cannot believe the life that I have lived.  I would never have suspected that I would have done what I have or been to the places I have been to.
Taking stock I have been to 6 of the 7 continents and to 40 of the 50 United States; I have been to countries that people only dream of Australia, Japan, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and throughout Europe.  I have flown economy, business class and first class and I have stayed at some outstanding hotels.
I have taken none of that for granted – I realize that the various jobs I have worked enabled me to see the world and partake of all that it offers.
I hope to continue to do more of this for several more years – I believe in living life to its fullest and to give back whenever you can.
With all its ups and downs I have had a great life and thank everyone who were and are part of it.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Really?? It is Still Summer!!!

It is still summer – in fact, we are entering what has been termed “the dog days of summer”.
Having said that can you please explain why, oh why were there Thanksgiving napkins and paper plates at the grocery store today?  I was mortified to see these November staples already out when our kids haven’t even gone back to school.
Please let us enjoy each season to the fullest before rushing in the next – this is why time seems to be going so fast and the years are running into each other.
For me – I will enjoy EVERY day in August – Thanksgiving is three months away.  Don’t rush life!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nature in my Backyard

Yesterday afternoon as I was reading the newspapers I looked up and from my bay window I could see a deer eating on the grounds across from my home.
I stepped out to take a picture and a neighbor told me that there were three fawns behind my house.  I went back in and grabbed my iPhone to take their picture which I did through the windows and French doors in the kitchen.
It was amazing to watch the three of them calmly walking around and looking to see what they could eat.  Everyone left them alone and eventually they walked away.  I am always a little shocked to see that they come so close to a neighborhood – we are approximately 50 townhouses with cars, children and many dogs.
This is the summer and the grounds are bountiful with blooming flowers and fauna – I fear for them in the winter time.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Weekend Plans

Ah, the weekend – so glad it is here.
I have a couple of things planned – the usual, like my gym classes and errands; but, some others that most people might not think about.
The first is taking a look at the exercise DVDs that I have at home and planning which ones I will do the three days a week that I work from home.  It is becoming increasingly more difficult for me to make it to the gym on the days I work from home; but, I still need to get a workout in.  I will have to be disciplined and get up each morning and do a DVD and have it behind me.
The second is to become familiar with all the buttons in the car.  I can connect my iPod to a USB port and listen to my songs – I have no idea how to do that as what I thought was the way to do it wasn’t.  I will have to read the manual – as a quasi techie that is not something I like to do.
Not an exciting weekend necessarily; but, hopefully a productive one.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Birthday Dinner

So yesterday I told you that I was getting everything ready for Callum’s birthday and today I will tell you that mine is next Tuesday, August 6th.
It is not a significant number – unless, like my friend Catherine when we speak, we say “can you believe that we are 58?”  The number is horrifying; but, I can honestly tell you that I feel great, I think I look good – I actually got hit on yesterday by a boy who might have been 20!!!
I am looking forward to this evening – I will be having dinner with my nephew, his wife, the boys and my boyfriend.  We have chosen to go to The Boathouse in Ossining – it is right on the Hudson River, they have outdoor dining and it is a casual place so we can dress comfortably and the Callum can walk around.
I am happy to be doing something low key with the people who mean the most in my life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Getting Ready for a Birthday

On August 15th Callum will turn 5 years old – that is a big birthday.
He will be spending the day with me as I have him that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – I will bake him either cupcakes or a cake and I will have some candles for him to blow out.
His party with the family is being scheduled for either the Saturday or Sunday and will have a Thomas the Tank theme.  I have already purchased his birthday gifts which include a Thomas backpack, school lunch bag, suitcase, three piece set that includes a denim jacket, a glow in the dark t-shirt and a travel book set.  And of course his gifts will go in a Thomas gift bag.
I need to go to the Party Store and pick up the Thomas piñata and paper party products.  Then order his cake from my bakery and have them decorate it with Thomas.
I hope that this is a memorable birthday for him.  He is now a big boy although I still refer to him as the baby.