Thursday, March 14, 2013

We Have a Pope

Yesterday the smoke from the Sistine Chapel was white announcing we had a new Pope.  We were all ecstatic and I am not sure about anyone else; but, I was surprised that it was so quick - clearly only 5 votes had been taken to come to the decision.

As they say, we've come a long way baby.  For the first time in over 1200 years the Pope is not a European, for the first time ever the Pope is from Latin AmericaIs the Popehood finally being a reflection of the most faithful of our religion?

It appears that Pope Francis I is a humble man - he did not bless all the well wishers in St. Peter's Square; but, asked instead for them to bless him.  

Most of us are aware that our religion has been under tremendous scrutiny and there have been many things that we should be ashamed of - it is not perfect - it needs to acknowledge its sins and it needs to move into the 21st century.

I will always remain a Catholic; but, just as I am aware of my shortcomings as an individual - so does our religion need to own up to its shortcomings and put a plan to rectify it.

I wish the Pope all the best in leading his flock.

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