Friday, March 29, 2013

Getting Ready for a Busy Weekend

Between work and working out I am getting ready for a busy weekend.  On Saturday afternoon Gerard, the boys and I will head on down to Delaware to spend the weekend with my cousin, niece and her husband.  We have not seen them since January when they moved down to Delaware.

That doesn't seem like it is so bad except that last night I saw my boyfriend, today there is work, a workout and I will have Gerard, Carrie and the boys for Good Friday dinner.  Since we don't eat meat there will be a large salad and macaroni and cheese; I can not forget the cake I need to bake for Callum.

I will pack for Saturday and Sunday, take towels for all of us, Easter goodies and some special things for Callum.  Since I am not coming home until Monday I will also make sure that I am all set for work on Tuesday morning.  

It will be nice to spend the holiday together - hopefully the weather will be nice, sunny and warm in Delaware.  I would love to take the boys for a walk on the beach.

This should be shades of days to come.

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