Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Weather

I have always wondered if there is anything to the adage, "March comes in like a Lion and leaves like a Lamb". Yesterday it certainly felt that way.

Despite the sunshine - it was deceiving.  It was raw, cold and windy - typical early March weather.  I am DONE with winter and cannot wait to have spring here.  Granted we have not had as much snow as the Midwest; we had only one really major snowstorm.  But we have had some days were we hovered in the low teens and it was very windy.

There is only so much lotion you can put on your body to stop you from scratching yourself to the point where you have hives and have started bleeding - not a pretty sight; but, that is what happens to me during the winter.

I want the blackened snow off my front yard and to start seeing the daffodils, crocuses and tulips budding.  

I appreciate all the seasons - but, I have to admit that winter is my least favorite.  I know I am rooting for the Lamb - how about you?

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