Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter to all of you.  Today we are having a laid back celebration with my cousin, his children and the boys.  We are all pleased that we could be together and continue some family traditions.

We always cook an Easter brunch so that we are not rushed - afterwards, the boys will go Easter egg hunting and I am looking forward to seeing Callum run around gathering eggs.

I am hoping that the weather is somewhat warm so that we can take the boys to the beach and walk on the sand - this will be the first time that Callum would see the ocean and given that it isn't too hot yet we do not have to worry about his skin burning.

Hopefully you will have an enjoyable day with your family and will be able to continue some of your traditions.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Packing for a Weekend

I am only going away for two nights to Delaware but you cannot believe what I have packed.

I have one bag that is full of Easter candy, cereal and chocolate milk for Callum and his blankie that he left at my house last night.

My overnight bag will not only have clothes for two days and pajamas, but, I am also packing towels for the four of us - unfortunately, that is the one thing Siobhan does not have enough of.  Hmm, could that be this year's Christmas gift?

I am also taking my iPad as I know that it will entertain Callum either in the car or in Delaware, my work laptop as I need to be on a call with my boss and our SVP at 9AM on Monday morning.  That means all the chargers that go with these gadgets must also be packed.

Lastly, before I drive to Gerard's I will need to pick up the Italian pastries, carrot cake and an Easter egg cake that I ordered at the bakery.

I know that coming home the load will be lighter.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Getting Ready for a Busy Weekend

Between work and working out I am getting ready for a busy weekend.  On Saturday afternoon Gerard, the boys and I will head on down to Delaware to spend the weekend with my cousin, niece and her husband.  We have not seen them since January when they moved down to Delaware.

That doesn't seem like it is so bad except that last night I saw my boyfriend, today there is work, a workout and I will have Gerard, Carrie and the boys for Good Friday dinner.  Since we don't eat meat there will be a large salad and macaroni and cheese; I can not forget the cake I need to bake for Callum.

I will pack for Saturday and Sunday, take towels for all of us, Easter goodies and some special things for Callum.  Since I am not coming home until Monday I will also make sure that I am all set for work on Tuesday morning.  

It will be nice to spend the holiday together - hopefully the weather will be nice, sunny and warm in Delaware.  I would love to take the boys for a walk on the beach.

This should be shades of days to come.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Comes Together

Don't you love it when you day and your plans come together?  That is the kind of day I had yesterday.  

I was concerned that I would not get everything done as I had Ryan with me, I was working from home, I needed to run a few errands and then Gerard and Callum were coming over for dinner.

I needed to get a presentation together to provide my boss for a meeting with our Senior Vice President and to write the monthly VCI-Group President's letter.

Can I gloat and tell you that all of that was done by 3PM including going on line and paying bills?!?!  

Every now and then the mind is sharp, the body willing and able and there are no obstacles. 

Make the most of those days.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Baby Sitting

Yesterday on my way home from work I picked up Ryan so that I could babysit him.  The nice thing is that Ryan is 11 and really does not need a lot of watching as I am working from home today.

This is the first time that I have needed to do this and I do not mind.  He is off from school this week - Callum is not and both Gerard and Carrie are working.  Today Ryan will either read or play on the iPad as I participate on a few conference calls and put together a presentation and my monthly VCI-Group President's letter.

He is a great kid - who has quite an appetite so I made sure that I have eggs, bacon, pancakes for his breakfast.  He loves to snack on watermelon or black & white cookies so I have that too.

It is unusual for me to have anyone in the house especially during the week; but, it is a welcome respite.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I am currently dealing with a bout of insomnia - I seem to get it whenever we change the clocks.

It is now about three weeks of living with this - for those of you who have never suffered from it - you are lucky.  For those of you who have; you know what I am going through.  My routine for the most part is the same; I tend to go to bed at 10 each evening and I get up between 5 and 6AM depending upon whether I have to go into the office or I am working from home.

I can tell you that I have now seen every hour each night as I wake up thinking any time now the alarm will go off and find out that it is only an hour later.  Of course I become tired at the most inopportune times like driving home from work.  When I do try to close my eyes because I cannot keep them open and exhaustion has taken over I only sleep for 15 minutes.

I am hoping that this will soon be over - I know I am not as alert as I would like to be. Here's to a good night's sleep.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Holy Week

Yesterday began the holiest week for Christians - given that why has it become so commercialized?

When I was young the only place that you could obtain palms was by going to Church - the palms would be blessed by the Priest and then given to each attendant throughout the Mass.  Today palms can be bought at Wal-Mart.

I don't quite remember when Wal-Mart became a place of worship - I don't see any Priests in the aisles nor any sinners repenting.

Let's remember where church belongs - in our hearts and in our actions.  Not at the local Wal-Mart.

As we enter this last phase of Lenten, keep in our minds and spirits what these next few days mean and how we are who we are because of the sacrifices made on our behalf.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Best Friends

Yesterday I got to see my best friend who I have not seen in over a year.  It is not that we don't want to see each other - but, we each have busy lives with work, family and other obligations.

What I love about our friendship is that we can pick up as if we just saw and spoke to each other yesterday.  We still speak to each other and know when the other is going through a tough patch either with work, a family member or with our health.  We would drop anything we were doing if either needed the other.

We love seeing how we have each evolved from when we first met each other, to when I worked for her, to each of us now working for a non-profit.  The more our lives became different - the more they became the same.

She is always in my thoughts and I know I am in hers.  Our birthday and Christmas present to each other is to spend a day having lunch, talking and seeing a show - yesterday was our present and we saw "Kinky Boots" - I highly recommend it.

I hope that you each have a best friend like mine - a woman I admire and love.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I can be extremely stubborn when I want to get something done in a certain period of time. 

Two days ago spring arrived - yes I know - it is cold and we may get some more snow; but, technically according to the calendar it is spring.  I needed to get my house in order: remove all traces of winter, snowmen and dark colors.  It was time to lighten and brighten each of the rooms; so I stayed up until midnight on Thursday night getting the three bedrooms and two bathrooms all springerized and highlighting Easter.

And on Friday I finished the downstairs; changing area rugs, throw pillows, curtains and decor.  I now can rest because I have accomplished it and in just two days all by myself.

Now I can enjoy the weekend.  Yes, I am strange and stubborn.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home

I always enjoy coming home from either a business trip or vacation.  There is nothing like the familiarity of my house, my bed or putting on my slippers.

BUT, given what the weather has been like at home after these last two trips I almost wish that I could have extended my business trips.  It is spring; but, you would never know it given the weather in the Northeast.  On Wednesday night I arrived home at 11PM after 3 days in Orlando, FL; there was my car with snow on it and behind it - and as I walked towards the sidewalk I slipped on black ice.  I left 84 degrees and sun to come back to this!!!

Any other time I would be happy to be home - AND - I would be happy to be home now if it were just warmer.

So Mother Nature I am asking nicely - can you send Ole Man Winter away for 9 months? 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Business Travel

When you tell people that you are going to Orlando or Las Vegas for business - they don't get it.

They think that you are wearing shorts, have a drink with an umbrella, are seeing a show or are at the casino.  None of this could be further from the truth.  I have been on two business trips in the last three weeks and I can tell you that none of that happened.  

My days were spent attending sessions and responding to email messages on my iPhone.  My evenings were spent reviewing more messages, working on presentations and trying to get some sleep.  There were no dinners at 5 star restaurants, lying by the pool or massages.  Those are the realities of business travel.

So while business travel is fine - it is not glamorous - it can change the monotony of your life, it enables you to learn many things; but, it is not a vacation.

You will be more tired when you come home, trust me on this one.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Warm Weather

I have been in Orlando since Monday for a conference and it is sunny and warm here.

Generally, I could not care less what the weather is like when I am at a conference because I am simply going from my hotel room to the conference area and there is no opportunity to see the outside world.  

Not this time - I am at a different hotel and needed to drive to where the conference actually was.  I have enjoyed not carrying an umbrella, putting on a coat or gloves.  I don't know about you but I am so DONE with winter.  I want to wear short sleeves and feel the sun on my arms - I would like them to be a golden bronze instead of an ashy grey.

So on went the sunglasses, a pair of sandals with my light weight business suits and I have enjoyed these past few days and what warm weather feels like.  Hopefully soon I will not have to travel to enjoy some warmth in the air.

But for now I will take any hint of sun, spring and what is to come.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kitchen Gadgets

For the past couple of years on my Christmas list have been different kitchen gadgets.  Two years ago I asked for a crockpot and this past year I asked for a mandolin and I received each of them.  

There are times that I do not always use my kitchen gadgets right away although I have to admit that I use my Cutco knives every day and I love them.

On Saturday I used my crockpot and it was wonderful to have the stew cook in there for hours.  I need to get more creative and see what else I can do with my crockpot.

Now how soon will it take before I use my mandolin?

Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

I don't know how you celebrate St. Patrick's Day; but, although I am not Irish my nephew is - so I celebrate it for him and his family and this is our monthly family dinner.

I made Irish beef stew, Irish brown soda bread and mashed potatoes, which for Ryan had to be green.  Dessert was carrot cake decorated with green shamrocks and "Happy St. Patrick's Day".

This year Siobhan, Matt and my cousin Gerry were not here; but, they were not forgotten.  Siobhan and Matt received their St. Patrick's day card with the monetary surprise and a box of Cheryl's cookies was delivered to their home.  I want them to know that they are always in my thoughts.

Take a holiday and or a day each month and celebrate with your family.  Next for us is Easter; and, again although we are not Mexican we will celebrate Cinco de May - I can't wait as I found an awesome Dulce de Leche cake recipe that I cannot wait to make.

I hope that this lets you celebrate life, enjoy time with family and friends and explore or display your creativity through cooking, decorating and entertaining.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I don't look like the type that enjoys cooking and having individuals over to eat; partly because I like my home to be neat and tidy.

But, I absolutely do enjoy having my family over and using them as my guinea pigs for different recipes that I come across in magazines, newspaper or on the web as I search for different things.

I enjoy having a beautifully set table that is reflective of what we are celebrating.  For me the gathering begins with appetizers, then our main course; and, lastly dessert.  I am not such a purist that everything has to be home made - it is a mix of bakery and home made items.  

I strive that it is enjoyable for my family, that I have provided a nice safe oasis for all of us to gather together and enjoy each other; and, that there is enough to send home with everyone.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Longer Days

Last night I was watching the national news and all of a sudden looked up and it was still light outside despite it being 6:45 in the evening.

I am always brought up short when I notice things like this - I think many times we are all oblivious to our surroundings and get SURPRISED when something is just a little off from what we expect.

I call these pleasant surprises - an ability to be amazed at nature and the unexpected.

These pleasant surprises are all around you - be receptive to them.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Can Spring Be Far Behind?

This afternoon as I was walking up my front steps coming in from work I noticed that my crocuses are starting to sprout.

This is always a sure sign of spring when the crocuses, daffodils, tulips and hyacinths try to break through the cold hard soil and show their vibrant colors.  Very soon the sun will shine, the days are already getting longer and the weather will be warmer.

Take a moment and look at the crocuses - see them grow and know that in the next couple of weeks they will be totally in bloom.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

We Have a Pope

Yesterday the smoke from the Sistine Chapel was white announcing we had a new Pope.  We were all ecstatic and I am not sure about anyone else; but, I was surprised that it was so quick - clearly only 5 votes had been taken to come to the decision.

As they say, we've come a long way baby.  For the first time in over 1200 years the Pope is not a European, for the first time ever the Pope is from Latin AmericaIs the Popehood finally being a reflection of the most faithful of our religion?

It appears that Pope Francis I is a humble man - he did not bless all the well wishers in St. Peter's Square; but, asked instead for them to bless him.  

Most of us are aware that our religion has been under tremendous scrutiny and there have been many things that we should be ashamed of - it is not perfect - it needs to acknowledge its sins and it needs to move into the 21st century.

I will always remain a Catholic; but, just as I am aware of my shortcomings as an individual - so does our religion need to own up to its shortcomings and put a plan to rectify it.

I wish the Pope all the best in leading his flock.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lean In

I don't very often read self help books - I am not convinced that someone else can tell me how to address my feelings, deal with issues, etc.

But I have now seen two shows with Sheryl Sandberg discussing what women should be requesting in business, what their expectations should be of themselves and their bosses.  She makes us aware of how our actions are different then men's and how we need to change that.

It is so refreshing to have someone state that it is okay for us to want to have a family and a high powered job and that our companies should be able to accommodate that.  Too often although we were told we could have it all - realistically we knew we couldn't.

Read this book, let's determine what we can do for the girls who will mature and enter the workforce.  They are our future and they should not hit a glass ceiling.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Cleaning

In less than 10 days it will be spring - and in 19 days it will be Easter.  I need to get my spring cleaning done.

I already asked the cleaners to take my curtains out of storage and I have the new comforter for my bedroom and area rugs for the living and dining room.

It will be difficult to get the house all changed over in a short period of time and because I will have the family over next Saturday for St. Patrick's Day dinner and I will be in Orlando, FL for a conference next Monday through Wednesday.  I will need to be creative and maybe do only one room at a time.

I am determined to get it done - I am sure I will stress myself out; but, I will feel a lot better when it is all completed.

Monday, March 11, 2013

La Sagrada Familia

Last night I watched 60 Minutes and I cannot tell you how shocked, surprised and ecstatic I was when they did a piece on "La Sagrada Familia".

For those of you not familiar with La Sagrada Familia it is a cathedral that has been under construction for over 120 years and was designed by Antonio Gaudi - one of Spain's most renowned architects.

It has been a few years since I was in Barcelona and I went to La Sagrada twice - at the time even the inside was not complete; but, you could see how majestic it could be.

On tonight's 60 Minutes episode the interior had been completed and a mass was being conducted by the Pope.  The outside is still not completed and it may be many more decades before it is.

I urge you that if you ever get the opportunity to be in Barcelona to please stop by this cathedral and go in - the architecture in itself is divine, spiritual and sacred.

I hope that I will once more be able to see this fantastical sight.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Slept Saturday Away

I am not proud of how I spent my Saturday, sleeping; but I have a very good reason.

I have been at the Telespan Workshop in Las Vegas since Wednesday - neither Wednesday or Thursday evening did I sleep well.  It wasn't that the bed wasn't comfortable, it was; I am sure it was just the things going through my head; work, speaking at the workshop, the weather back home, etc.

And that weather had an impact on getting home.  My flight was cancelled and I was rescheduled on the red-eye due to leave at 9:50PM and arrive in Newark at 5:30.  No sooner was it booked that the flight was delayed to 10:25PM.  I thought I would answer some emails in my hotel room until I had to leave so I asked for a late checkout.  No luck the room was sold - I stayed in the room until 2PM - then went down and had a late lunch and headed to the airport.

At the airport I finished one book, bought another to read, then decided to send out some emails and put together a presentation that I need to give in a couple of weeks.  Just as I mailed the presentation to some people for their review; my ex-boss Joyce who was at the conference came by and we had a nice discussion for an hour and a half.  My flight had been delayed until 11:35.

It did leave - I read several chapters in my new book and I slept for about an hour.  My eyes were killing me from my contact lenses which had been on for more than 24 hours.  I couldn't wait to get home to get out of my business suit.  I walked in my door at 8:45AM and decided I was not going out for the remainder of the day.

You never catch up on lost sleep - just take each day as it comesI was happy that I managed to be productive.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring Ahead

Just as it I was no longer driving in pitch black to work in the morning - it is spring ahead and it is dark again.

Don't get me wrong - I love the fact that the days are getting longer and the sun is out late in the evening; I just hate driving to work in the dark.  It was just getting light 10 minutes into my drive to work - now for the next few weeks it will be dark again for the hour drive into the office.

I am not complaining - I am ready for the warm weather - how about you?

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Organized Neuroses

I believe in organization and it really kicks in when I am traveling and when I expect to be back.

Tonight my flight does not arrive until 11:30PM and if I am lucky I will be home at 1AM; I will be up at 6:45 to get ready for my aqua aerobics and Zumba toning class.  To make sure that I will get up and out of the house with my workout clothes, zumba batons and bathing suit I made sure to put all these items in my workout bag before I left.

The only thing I will need to do on Saturday morning is throw in my wallet, water bottle and my clementine.

I know you probably had no idea that my neuroses were this bad - but, I do not like stressing in the morning.  This will enable me to enjoy my morning by calmly having my breakfast and walking out the door at 8AM for my two workouts.

As they say "to each their own".

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Telespan Workshop

On Wednesday I left New York to fly out the the Telespan Workshop.  This is the third year that I will be attending this workshop and it is always full of information and new products to look out for.

This year the focus will be on what do the End Users want.  In my opinion there are two end users, myself, who has responsibility for the strategy, implementation and services in conferencing and collaboration and the End User who actually uses conferencing and collaboration to do their job function.  In my company those are the Clinicians (Doctors) and Nurses.

Let's see what I learn that I can apply to my job and offer my clients.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Workout

I told you a couple of weeks ago that my HP 30 workout sessions had been suspended and I have been looking for something to replace it with.  Over a year ago the trainers at my gym had been certified on kettle balls; but, no classes were given - well here we are a year later and there is a CLASS.

I was finally able to take this class this past Monday - and I enjoyed it.  What a great class that didn't seem overly strenuous despite that one of the workouts was holding a 10 pound kettle ball straight up and doing a four count sit up.

Okay can I tell you that on Tuesday morning the area right where my underarm begins ached; as the day progressed so did my lower body which reminded me of all the squats that we had done.

Will I take this class again?  ABSOLUTELY.  It is an excellent workout - is done in 30 minutes and hopefully come this summer I will have Michelle Obama arms.

I've said this many times before - don't be afraid to "switch up" your workout.  You might find something else that you enjoy and it is always great to keep those muscles guessing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Weather

I have always wondered if there is anything to the adage, "March comes in like a Lion and leaves like a Lamb". Yesterday it certainly felt that way.

Despite the sunshine - it was deceiving.  It was raw, cold and windy - typical early March weather.  I am DONE with winter and cannot wait to have spring here.  Granted we have not had as much snow as the Midwest; we had only one really major snowstorm.  But we have had some days were we hovered in the low teens and it was very windy.

There is only so much lotion you can put on your body to stop you from scratching yourself to the point where you have hives and have started bleeding - not a pretty sight; but, that is what happens to me during the winter.

I want the blackened snow off my front yard and to start seeing the daffodils, crocuses and tulips budding.  

I appreciate all the seasons - but, I have to admit that winter is my least favorite.  I know I am rooting for the Lamb - how about you?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Getting Ready for a Trip

I leave on Wednesday for the Telespan Workshop being held in Las Vegas - I will be speaking on a panel on Friday.

I am looking forward to this trip and Workshop and because I am neurotic about having everything organized on Saturday night I laid out the two business suits with matching blouses.  Last night I completed my packing by throwing in shoes, underthings and toiletries.  All is set.

No matter what happens between now and Wednesday I do not have to worry as there is nothing else I need to place in my suitcase.

To a successful trip and to learning more of what is happening in my industry this week.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting Ready for Spring

Spring is only 3 weeks away and all the stores are beginning to let us know that.  My grocery store already has patio furniture, umbrellas and charcoal briquets out.

I have started by cleaning out the closet and determining what will be donated.  Yesterday I stopped at my local Good Will store and gave them one large bag of clothes and shoes.  I have either thinned out of the clothes and they are too big or in some instances the shoes I have not worn in a couple of years.

Everything I have donated is in good condition, has been to the cleaners and will certainly assist someone if they are looking to find a job.

This is just the beginning of what will take place for the next 30 days.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

It's the Weekend

Normally the weekend isn't anything special to me; but, it has been a busy week and I am looking forward to a couple of days of downtime.

It has been a good week - just a little pressure and stressful.  It has been some long days with important work that needed to get done in a timely manner and be correct.  Through team effort it was accomplished.  And we all feed good for it.

That doesn't ignore that I am a little tired.  Want to hibernate and just sleep.

The reality is that the weekend will be focused on my workouts, errands and packing for a business trip to Las Vegas.  Getting myself back in control will be what I need.

Hope you enjoy your weekend - what ever it offers.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Not Enough Time

The last few days has me wondering where is time going and why is there not enough time in the day to get everything done?

Work is getting very busy and I am receiving several calls per day of Clinicians, departments and all individuals wanting a video conferencing system, a Movi account or Web Ex.  These requests are coming our way without us doing any marketing or advertising of our services.  I am worried to even consider what will happen when we do some official announcement of all these services instead of word of mouth!!

Next as we try to transform the Visual Communications Industry Group I am in meetings throughout the week with various committees.  We need to generate a "buzz" in the industry about us and we need to build a portfolio of offerings to our Members, both End Users and Alliance.

Then the neurotic person that I am I need to find time to decorate the house with St. Patrick's day items and begin spring cleaning.

I know I will get it all done - just take a breath - organize - and; most importantly, forgive myself.